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"So how are we gonna handle this?" Harry asks his elder brother as he sneaks into his room.

"What exactly are you?" Percy asks as Harry removes his invisibility cloak.

"Well I'm a wizard... and our father is some kind of god right?" Harry asks only having the bare minimum information outside of the prophecy itself.

"Poseidon." Percy nods. "Greek god of the sea."

"Lost at sea." Harry chuckles remembering his brother's earlier comment. "So what does baby brother know?"

"Nothing as far as I know... I was basically told I needed to protect him but that he has some kind of power... not sure what it is right now... he knows our uncle though... I honestly don't think he likes us." Percy responds flopping onto his bed.

"Well I'm kinda used to the whole prophecies dictating my life and by your reaction I'd say you are too." Harry says and Percy laughs.

"You could say that."

"I think Peter just needs time... he was raised a muggle... and well not a demigod. I can see how all this can be overwhelming." Harry sits next to his brother. "Sooo... what can a demigod do?"

"It depends on the godly parent... but I think you were meaning more what can a son of the sea god do." Percy responds taking a deep breath. "There is a pool here... why don't I show you?"


"How do you know where you're going?" Harry asks as the boys sneak down a set of stairs.

"I can sense the water... it's more powerful with the sea but I can feel it. This way." Percy answers. "Locked." The boy kicks the door.

"My turn." Harry says pulling out his wand. "Alohomora." He whispers and the door opens.

"Cool." Percy smiles as they go to enter the room.

"You could have just asked." A voice says causing the boys to stop in the doorway and look around.

"Who are you?" Harry asks as Percy asks "where are you?"

"I am Mr. Stark's AI. I maintain all technological interfaces in the building along with acting as his personal assistant." The voice says.

"Oh... well sorry about the door. I guess we'll ask next time?" Harry responds as the boys enter the room causing Percy to chuckle.

"Show me what you got." Harry says nodding to the pool.

Percy calls the water out of the pool making it swirl around him before depositing it back in its original place.

"Cute... but how does that help us?" Harry ask and is quickly drenched from head to toe. "Point taken." The boy says ringing out his shirt.

"The water can also heal me." Percy says pulling out his pen and uncapping it. He takes Riptide and slices his palm before using the water to heal himself.


"And I can breath under water and captain a ship solo." Percy smirks. "So what all can you do with that stick of yours? Or are you just a glorified locksmith?" The older boy taunts with a smile. It's fun having a brother.

"Lots of things... I mean there's a spell for just about everything... I'm just lucky my... how did Dumbledore put it?... "dormant genes from my father" broke the trace." Harry says.

"The trace?" Percy asks.

"Something that keeps tabs on underage wizards... I know I'm not gonna get all the abilities you have but I'm grateful for not having to deal with that any more." Harry chuckles.

Before any boy can say more a crash sounds and they both look over to the source of the sound.

"H... Hey guuuuys..." Peter greets his brothers awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "So ummm... yea I saw you guys sneaking out and got curious."

"All good you have a right to know." Percy shrugs.

"Soooo... can I do that water stuff too?" Peter asks.

"No idea... try." Percy shrugs. Peter focuses on the water but nothing happens.

"Maybe I'm not a son of Poseidon like you think." Peter says and Percy thinks a minute. If he only got some basic ability what would it be? A smile crosses the boy's face causing Peter to back up. "What are you doing?"

A second later Percy pushes Peter in ihe pool and uses the water to keep him under.

"What are you doing? let him up!" Harry yells.

"Just give it a minute." Percy responds. "Just breath Peter." Peter shakes his head trying to surface but failing.

"Let him up he's gonna drown! Don't make me stop you!" Harry threatens and Percy rolls his eyes before hitting Peter with a turret of water knocking the wind out of him forcing him to take a breath. The boy panics before looking up at his brother confused as he breaths normally. At that point Percy controls the water and places Peter back on dry ground.

"How did you know I'd be able to breath?" Peter asks catching his breath. Percy shrugs.

"Guessed." He says and Harry glares at him.

"You could have killed him!"

"Oh come on! It's as basic as it gets! And if he couldn't breath I would have just taken the water out of his lungs and he would have been fine. Now we know what he got from dad... so Pete you've seen ours. What unique powers do you have?" Percy asks.

"Well... um... I'm kinda Spider-Man." Peter whispers.

"Hummm... I thought you'd be taller." Percy says causing Peter to blush thinking "I'm not short." Plus Peter still has a few years to overshoot his big brothers.

"Who's Spider-Man?" Harry asks.

"Give us a demonstration bug boy." Percy smiles at the younger boy. We're only talking about minutes but Percy loves being the oldest.

"Spiders are arachnids not insects." Peter grumbles before jumping onto the wall where he sticks. "I can also sense when something is gonna happen like..." Peter is cut off by a ball flying at his head causing him to jump off the wall doing a flip before landing in front of his brothers.

"What I was curious!" Harry defends himself as the other two look at him. "That sensing stuff is pretty cool, Pete."

"Thanks.... Soooo... what are we supposed to do about this prophecy thing?" Peter asks.

"Wait I guess." Percy says.

"Yea I mean it's not very specific as to what we are meant to do." Harry adds.

"I suspect what ever it is will come to us." Percy finishes.

"And what are we gonna tell Mr. Stark?" Peter continues his questioning.

"Does he know about your secret?" Harry asks and Peter shakes his head.

"Well then we don't tell him anything. We can just work together to get ready for what ever fight is coming in secret and act like normal 14 year olds around him." Percy decides.

"He's going to want to get to know us though. It will be hard to keep it all from him." Harry says.

"Just stick to vague answers when it comes to the Wizard, Demigod, Spider-Man stuff and be honest for the rest." Percy suggests and the boys nod.

"We should probably go back to bed before he realizes we're gone." Peter says and the other two agree.

"There you are!" They hear and turn to the doorway.

"He... hey Mr. Stark."

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