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"He... Hey Mr. Stark." Peter stutters.

"What's going on here Pete?" Tony asks.

"Brotherly bonding." Percy says wrapping an arm around his little brother.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Tony murmers. "Go to bed boys. Please? We can talk and... bond more in the morning."

"Sure thing uncle T." Percy says before dragging Peter out the door with him as Harry follows.

Tony is confused by the boys. What on earth were they doing in here?

"JARVIS play back video of the pool room." He says as soon as he is back at his lab. No way the newly minted uncle is sleeping any time soon. "What?"

Back in Percy's room the three brothers sit on the bed.

"You know Tony has cameras everywhere. How are we supposed to keep this secret? He probably already watched the video of you trying to drown me." Peter says causing his eldest brother to roll his eyes.

"I didn't try to drown you. I knew you'd be able to breath." He says. "And don't worry about the cameras. I knew they were there. The mist will take care of secrecy issues."

"Mist?" Peter asks.

"Demigod trick to confuse mortals. Handy thing." Percy explains. "You've probably been influenced by it yourself at some point."

"You are gonna have to tell us all about our new powers soon." Peter says.

"But for now we should go to bed. Tony will likely be checking on us now that we've been caught." Harry suggests.

The boys disperse into their own rooms before each find there way to sleep.

Tony looks dumbfounded at the screens in front of him. He was sure something was going on but they seem so normal. Maybe he is over thinking things. Maybe it is as he has been told. Maybe there is nothing else going on beyond the obvious. Three boys need a home. Three boys to whom he is the only living family... no mater the secrets the boys hold that remains true. The boys need him... but that doesn't mean the genius will close his eyes and not try an figure out what is really going on here.

In the morning Peter wakes up extra early hoping to make his rounds as Spider-Man before the rest start their day.

"Morning brother." A voice sounds as he is slipping out the door.

"Oh... hi Harry." Peter whispers.

"Sneaking out?" Harry asks with a smile.

"What makes you think that?"

"I have some personal experience in that area... mind if I tag along?"

Peter thinks for a moment. Spider-Man is his thing but what will Harry tell Tony if he doesn't take him along? It's not worth the risk of his mentor finding out for the youngest brother so he nods before continuing on his way.

On a roof top across town the two boys sit dangling their feet over the citizens below.

"Soooo... is this all you do?... seems rather... underwhelming." Harry asks.

"That's a good thing. It means no one is in trouble... but I agree it is more fun when I can help someone." Peter answers.

"What exactly do you do as a wizard or what ever."

"School mostly... under age wizards aren't supposed to do magic outside of school... however I've had my fair share of battles even during the school year." Harry chuckles making Peter think there must be more to the story.

"Help!" A cry has the young hero jumping up.

"Show time!" Peter says diving off the building shooting webs to catch himself millimeters from the sidewalk. Harry follows apparating across the rooftops following the youngest triplet.

"You know it's rude to grab a lady like that." Peter, or in this instance Spider-Man says when he sees the masked man manhandling a woman.

The robber panics seeing the scrawny spider boy and runs causing the teen to chase him seeing the lady'sbag in her assailan's hand.

"That isn't yours!" Spider-Man yells. "And it doesn't match your shoes!"

Harry watches as his brother subdues the man and returns the bag.

"Thank you, Spider-Man!" She calls after the boy as he swings away.

"Was that a better show for you Harry?" Peter asks as he rejoins his brother.

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