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Harry dragged his feet packing up for the summer. The last thing the boy wants is to return to the Dursley's but they are his guardians so he has little choice.

"Dumbledore wants to see you."his best friend, Ron, says as he enters the dorm room. "I have to head home...Write me over the summer yea?"

Harry nods hugging the ginger boy before making his way to the headmaster's office.

"Sherbet lemon." Harry says and steps on the winding staircase.

"Ahh Harry just the person I've been meaning to see. Have a seat my boy!" The old wizard says and the boy takes a seat.

"What is this about sir?" The young teen asks racking his brain for any new trouble he may have gotten into but comes up short.

"It is about your family." Is his answer. The boy stays silent waiting for more information. "You are a triplet, Harry, and your brothers need you."


Harry spent over an hour going over the prophecy and trying to understand how he has brothers. He was relieved to know he shares no blood with the Dursleys but it honestly made him more mad to know he was placed with them even tho he had other family.

Anyway the boy soon had to pack a small bag and port key overseas then fly to NYC to confront his brothers and meet his uncle. Not something the boy looks forward to given his experience with extended family but it needs to be done.

After flying into the obnoxiously tall building through a balcony, Harry Potter easily found his family. It was awkward to have his brothers and uncle stare at him.

"Harry?" The elder male asked and the boy is stunned. "He knew about me?" The boy thinks to himself hurt that the man never reached out. Not even when his parents died... well Lilly and James Potter.

"Yea." Harry responds not sure what to say to the man.

"James's boy? Aren't you supposed to live in England? Where are your aunt and uncle?" Tony asks.

He knew about Harry. Tony was upset when he heard about his little brother, James's, death but was informed that his son, Harry, was placed with family close to home. He never met the boy as he wasn't close to James. (Living oceans apart does that to you.) At the Time Tony was a young playboy and therefore had no intention of taking on an infant. He was just happy someone else was able to step in for the kid.

"Yea that's me... but my school found out that my parents weren't my biological parents... I don't think my Aunt and Uncle will keep me knowing I'm not blood." Harry answers. It is true they likely wouldn't but they were never told of the boy's true parentage. This statement was planned however to force Mr. Stark to take on the boy as he has no other family.

"Wait a second. You said brother... so you two are twins?" Tony asks looking between the boys before nodding. "Yea I see it... but why did James take you? Why didn't you stay with Sally?"

"You'd have to ask her." Harry says not being informed of Sally's death just that his brothers were staying with his uncle.

"She's dead." Percy says and Harry nods. Of course she is he can't get a single parental figure in his life without them dying.

"But you said I was your brother?" Peter asks.

"Triplets!" Tony yells. "I need a drink. And a DNA test because this is nuts!"

The billionaire heads to the kitchen as the boys take a seat on the couch.

"So the prophecy?" Percy asks.

"The trident must be reformed. Brothers mend what is torn. Together all the world's are saved. Apart the darkness has its way." Harry tells them.

"Oh yea that's helpful. What is that Trident crap?... Three prongs three brothers... never mind that tracks... But how are we supposed to save the world? And what from? And I still don't believe you two are my brothers." Peter rants.

"Alright I got Banner coming over we're gonna figure this out." Tony says returning with a drink in hand. Peter stands up distancing himself from the other boys who seem to believe all of this.

"So who's the oldest?" Harry asks. He's been curious for a while now. He may have been told the prophecy but he doesn't know much else.

"Well Chi... My Camp Counselor... he called Peter my youngest brother so that would make me oldest and you the middle child." Percy says. He'd been running the conversation through his head all day. The use of the word youngest rather than younger suddenly makes since.

"What do you need Tony it sounded serious!" Dr. Banner asked rushing into the room but stops suddenly seeing three boys with his friend.

"What's with the kids Tony?" Bruce asks.

"Well apparently they are all my nephews... I want you to do a DNA test to see if they are really brothers and if they are related to me." The super hero says. This is too much. No way it's true. Sally would have told him. She was the one person in his family he actually liked.

"You don't need me for that." Dr. Banner says.

"No but you were the fastest option." Tony responds and the doctor sighs.

"Alright come to my lab."

After doing testing on the boys and their uncle Bruce finally returns with the results.

"Well they are brothers and you are their uncle. Congratulations Tony." Dr. Banner says.

"Thanks... you can go Bruce." Knowing this is a family issue the doctor happily makes his exit.

"Alright, explain." Tony says once they are all seated in the living room again.

"Why don't you start with how you are related to Mom." Percy responds curious about the man.

"Well... my Mother and Father got together her family didn't approve and took her away back to England. They thought I was a stain to their good family name and sent me off to live with my father, Howard, as a baby. He got married shortly after to the woman who raised me, Maria, my mom... my biological mother then married a man her family approved of and had twins James and Sally. James was the golden son. For some reason when Sally turned 11 her parents sent here back to NY to live with the Jackson's who ended up adopting her. Not sure what she did to upset them but her being so close let me get to know my little sister at least... that's how I've met you before , Percy. I loved your mom and am upset that she is gone... she was my only real family." Tony explains.

You see the reason Sally was sent away is because she was a Squib. The Potters wanted to protect her from the poor treatment of non magic people born into a magical family. James on the other hand was a strong young wizard and the apple of his parents eye.

"Now since you boys seem to know so much why did my baby sister separate her sons?" Tony asks.

Percy and Harry look at one another. They both have secrets and know they need to talk to one another before deciding what to tell their uncle. An unspoken bond forms and Percy clears his throat.

"She couldn't take care of three babies. I guess she figured her brother would take good care of Harry and who ever she sent Peter to would be best for him." He shrugs trying to explain even though he doesn't really know all the details himself. His guess is to protect them from monsters. I mean Sally stayed with Gabe to hide Percy so who knows what she would do for her sons.

"What about your father?" Tony asks. At this everyone is looking at Percy.

"Lost at sea." He answers.

"And none of you have any living family?" Tony asks knowing the answer as all three boys shake their heads.

"Well... I guess I have some paperwork to fill out... Pete, mind showing your brothers to their rooms? Just give them the ones on either side of yours." Tony says before pulling out his phone and walking toward the elevator.

Peter only recently got a room in Stark tower after accidentally crashing for the third time Tony just gave the teen a room. Now it will be his permanent residence. With the DNA testing to prove the boys are his Kin Tony will have no problem getting custody... or at least he hopes. Also on his list of hopes is that Pepper will still want to be with a single dad of three 14 year old boys.

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