A MYSTERIO-us Halloween

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Scott had to be careful.

Currently, he was in costume, swinging through the city, trying to get to school on time, as he'd slept in this morning. The only problem with this normally proficient solution was the amount of Halloween decorations strung up across streets. So far, his webs had gotten snagged on two of them, and he himself had almost swung into a string of jack-o-lantern balloons.

Speaking of the devils, Scott released his web, letting his momentum carry him in between two lines of paper ghosts, before webbing another building and waving at some kids who he saw watching from a window. As he neared Horizon, he went invisible and began running along the buildings, trying to hide his destination as best he could, just in case.

He dropped down into an alleyway, stripped down to his boxers, then pulled on his custom-made clothes (which he'd designed for a quick costume change and to hide his suit if he was wearing it underneath). Today, however, Scott needed to not be wearing his costume. The boy stuffed the loose fabric into a compartment on his backpack before looking around and going visible again. He walked out of the alley and turned towards school, walking as if he hadn't just swung across town.

Scott made it through the doors without a second to spare. Just as they slid shut behind him, the bell sounded, and he let out a sigh of relief; technically he wasn't late. The boy walked through the familiar halls, waving at familiar faces and making polite conversation, until he reached his destination: Peter Parker's Lab. The student knocked and heard his friend's voice say, "Come in!"

Scott opened the door, then quickly shut and locked it behind him. He then slid the blinds across the windows, because he was paranoid like that. Peter looked confused, "What's wro-" recognition shone in his eyes as Scott unzipped his backpack and the darker-haired boy changed what he was saying, mid-sentence, "Oh, right!"

He dug around in his own bag, before pulling out his costume and switching it out for Scott's, then apologized, "Sorry, I forgot that we were switching suits for Halloween."

"It's no problem," Scott zipped up his bag, Spidey-suit safe inside, "remember to run diagnostics and add anything I'm missing. I'll do the same with yours."

Peter nodded, "Of course. We want to be as prepared as possible. Do you think you'll be able to add the new taser webs to my suit."

"Sure, once I'm done with them. Why would you need taser-webs in the first place?"

"Better safe than sorry, right?"

"Fair point," Scott hiked his backpack over his shoulder, "Will you be coming tomorrow night?"

"Can't, I'm helping Aunt May give out candy. I hope the kids like my costume."

"Of course they will," Scott tossed back, "Shock Spider's the coolest superhero."

Peter rolled his eyes and waved goodbye, but then a thought seemed to hit the boy, and he asked, "You have your extra costume, though, right? Just in case."

Scott nodded, "Yep, can't go wearing your suit and making people think you have different powers. What about you?"

"Have a pair with my gym clothes. I might need to wash them tonight, though."

Scott rolled his eyes and shut the door behind him, before slipping his other arm through the second strap on the bag and heading off to his first class.


The next day, Scott was in costume. The boy ran down the stairs of his apartment building (the elevator never seemed to be working), clad in Peter's Spider-Man costume and bag on his back. He had a pair of 'fake' web-shooters (unloaded, just to be safe) on his wrists and the mask pulled over his face. Last night, he'd taken the time to deactivate all the electronics after rebooting the system and adding some key features to the software. Besides, this was supposed to be a fake Spidey suit, not the real thing.

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