'Dude, You're Totally Crushing on an Avenger!' (S. 2, Ep. 5)

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Shock Spider (he'd embraced the name) and Spider-Man swung through the city early in the morning, looking around for criminals on their day off from school. The day before, a student had been working on her project, when it malfunctioned, frying the school's electrical grid and accidentally giving the other students a day off. At that moment in time, electricians were working on getting the wiring redone, although that would probably take two whole days, at least. The two boys swung through the city, passing some Daily Bugle broadcast about the Avengers and discussing each other's new jobs.

"I still can't believe you're selling Jameson the videos!" Shock Spider told his friend, "he's been tearing into us so long, you had to know he'd use it against us."

"I need the money for school," Spidey looked at the other hero and shrugged, before realizing he was swinging toward a stoplight and letting go of his webs, shooting another at the aforementioned metal pole, using that to launch himself higher in the air.

"Yeah, I understand that," Shock Spider landed on the wall, sticking to a window for a second to scan the area, "but Jameson, seriously? Why not any of the other newspapers in town?"

"None of them would hire me because I was alway running off in the middle of the interview, trying to stop some villain or other," the red-and-blue clad hero explained.

"More proof Jameson's irresponsible! If he's willing to hire some guy always running off-"

A blast of energy a block away cut his argument short, as both boys looked at each other, nodded, and took off in the direction of the energy. Spider-Man got their first, landing in between a boy in street clothes and a red-haired girl in a school uniform who seemed to be cringing in fear of something. Making assumptions, the more-experienced hero turned to the boy and began telling him off, "Didn't you know that attacking girls is against the law?"

"Hey, man, she's the one who attacked me!" the teen protested as Shock Spider dropped into the alley as well. The girl screamed like a banshee and Shock Spider began to pick up a massive energy signature she was giving off, but not using his suit. It was like he could see the electricity, flowing through her body, through everything! He prepared his body to absorb the massive burst that he somehow knew was about to happen.

Electricity blasted out of the girl with the force of a bomb, carving away at the buildings and street. Spider-Man leapt out of the way, pushing the other boy to safety, while the blue-and-silver hero crossed his arms, pulling in any electricity he could. However, the purple lightning blasted him backwards, leaving burn marks on both his arms.

What the...?

Shock Spider slammed into a brick wall and tumbled to the cement as the girl began to float up into the air, electricity still slamming into the surrounding buildings. The hero pushed himself to his feet and leapt up onto a wall before jumping at the girl, shooting webbing over his forearms to act as an insulator against the lightning. He blocked an incoming bolt with his right arm, while swinging his left arm with minimal strength at the girl's face. She moved backwards quickly, avoiding the punch as she muttered, "237, 237!"

"She seems out of it, Spidey!" Shock Spider told his friend as he landed on a building across the street, twirling his finger next to his head, the universal sign for crazy.

"I know!" Spider-Man yelled back, avoiding another blast from the super-powered female. Farther behind his friend, Shock Spider saw civilians yelling, shaking their fists, and making rude gestures at the two heroes.

"Jameson!" he muttered, scrambling sideways to avoid another purple bolt.

"You think this is hard for me," Spider-Man bantered with the girl, who was thrashing around, mid-air in a way that worried the other hero, " but I eat villains like you for breakfast!"

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