I Fight Dude Perfect Wanna-bes (S. 2, Ep. 4)

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Scott was tired of the bad press. Even after nearly a year of helping out the people of this city, J. Jonah Jameson was still calling him, Peter, and Miles menaces to society, dead set on their own agendas. How many times and they proved this untrue? Somewhere in the hundreds, yet they were still treated as criminals.

Scott avoided listening to the mustached man's mad meanderings by putting in his earbuds and listening to an audiobook. He made his way through the streets of New York, ready to be home after yet another long day of school and superheroing. The boy watched as Spider-Man swung overhead, probably trying to get home to Aunt May before curfew. The blond boy noticed several people on the street yelling at the superhero. Jameson!, Scott thought, turning away in disgust.

His attention was brought back that way as he heard the people on the street gasp, and he turned to see to white figures on either side of the hero, pulling him up into the sky. Scott watched as his friend was thrown through a series of smoke hoops, before landing on the shoulders of one of the flying white figures.

"Wow, it's Barkley Blitz and the Wakeriders!" a man on the street pointed at the flying foursome, "and they're with Spider-Man!"

"Who?" Scott asked, confused.
"They're only the most famous extreme sports group in the world!" a woman with short, curly brown hair and purple glasses explained, "Over ten million followers! I'm their promoter, want a t-shirt?"

"No thanks," Scott put up his hands defensively, "I'll stick with the one I'm wearing."

The woman seemed a bit miffed, but backed away, slipping through the crowd offering merchandise. Scott saw Spider-Man swing away, and dialed up Peter on his phone as he entered his apartment building.

"Hey, Scott. What's up?" Peter asked.

"What was that all about?"

"What was what about?"

"The stunt with the Wakeriders," Scott closed the elevator doors and pushed the button with his floor number on it.

"Oh, that! Yeah, that wasn't planned. I thought they were trying to fight me or something."

"You seemed pretty into it at the end there," Scott waited for the elevator doors to open, before heading towards his room number, key in hand.

"Yeah, I'd finally figured out what was going on and, to be honest, it was nice to be cheered for again."

Scott shrugged, forgetting Peter couldn't see him, "If you say so," he pulled up a video of the Wakeriders and their newest trick with Spider-Man. He squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look at the sports enthusiasts' wingsuits, "but their equipment looks suspiciously like Vulture's."

"True, but Barkley Blitz is famous for creating his own gear. At least, that's what Harry told me."

The newer New Yorker looked closer at the photo, "If you say so. But I think I'm gonna do a little more research after I finish the additions to my suit."

"What additions?"

"Mainly, I'm adding a recording function to the lenses on my suit. If a villain says something incriminating, I want to be able to turn that in as evidence to the police."

"Nice. Tell me what you found tomorrow, will you?" Peter asked.

"Of course," Scott agreed, before hanging up the phone and getting to work.


When Scott got to school the next day, he noticed that everyone seemed to be talking about the Wakeriders' stunt with Spider-Man the previous night. Everywhere he went, Scott heard people talking about those 'winged wonders' and their 'awesome stunt, bro!' On the bright side: at least the Spider-Trio wasn't being as hated on anymore (although JJJ was going as strong as ever).

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