Christmas Vacation Part 2: Stop Being So Negative!

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Scott was in a hurry. The Horizon High New Year's Eve Party was starting at seven sharp, and he'd promised Anya and Gwen he'd be there. However, being on patrol meant he was running late (some amatuer thieves had tried to break into a jewelry store. It hadn't been hard to stop, just time-consuming). Miles and Peter were both out of town, Miles visiting family and Peter on vacation, so it was up to Scott to keep New York safe while they were gone.

After their Christmas Eve party, his friends had all gone their separate ways for the holiday, spending time with family and having a good time in general. Scott was the exception. He'd swung around as Shock Spider, visiting children in the hospital (Santa hat webbed to his head) and wishing them a Merry Christmas. However, that was six days ago. Now, he had a party to get to.

Hurriedly, he stuffed a t-shirt (with a tuxedo design printed on the front), jeans, and his shoes into his backpack before checking the clock for the third time in as many minutes. It read 6:49. Without wasting another second, the Michigander pulled his mask down over his face, secured his backpack in position, and went into camo-mode before leaping out the open window. Shock Spider shot a web at the top of a nearby building, swinging low to the ground, before releasing the sticky fibers at the optimum point of his swing, sending the hero further, faster.

"I've gotta hurry," the boy muttered, going visible once he was far enough away from his apartment, "It usually takes about five minutes to get to Horizon while swinging, but then I have to change. If nothing bad happens, I should get there with time to spa-"

The universe, in it's all-knowing wisdom, had taught Shock Spider multiple times to never say things like that. It decided to teach the hero that same lesson for the upteenth time, and chose that moment to let a series of gunshots and energy-like noises come from the next street over. Sighing at his own stupidity, the hero shot another stream of webbing at the top of the building separating him from the sounds of a fight, yanking hard and pulling himself to where he'd shot the web.

The arachnid-themed high school student carefully peeked over the edge of the roof to see a group of men in black suits wearing carved, black-and-white wooden masks. There were about ten, some with guns, some with shields, others with nothing but their fists. However, all of their weapons (fists included) were glowing with a strange, black-and-white shimmering energy, as though they were enchanted (like in 'Minecraft'). The real eye-catcher was the man in opposite apparel.

He was dressed in a white coat, shoes, and tie, along with a black undershirt. He had a midnight-black skin and ghostly-white hair. His entire body seemed to shimmer with that same energy, and small branches (about three inches in length) seemed to sprout out of him, as though the energy was contained inside of him and begging to get out. This man was obviously the boss.

The gang had busted the glass window separating the inside of the jewelry store from the street, and looked to be stealing the precious gems within. The gang's leader and four of his crew entered, ignoring the razor-sharp shards of glass at their feet. In a reflection of the store in a window across the street, Shock Spider could see three, maybe four civilians lying on the floor, hands on their heads with the villains standing above them threateningly. Outside, six of the gang members (four with shields and two with guns) had formed a semi-circle of sorts to protect the broken window, with the four shields set on the outside, and the two gunmen standing on small crates in the middle, scanning for possible threats. Within seconds, the hero had his strategy.

As quickly and quietly as he could, Shock Spider crossed his arms and shot a stream of webbing from each, aiming at both of the gunmen's heads. Before the stuff stuck in their hair could even register, the Midwesterner yanked on both webs hard, pulling his fists to his sides and knocking their heads together, sending the pair into dreamland. The hero reeled them in before anyone could notice and stuck them both to the wall with some extra webbing. He then attached the four shieldmen guarding the broken window together with a long, thin web. They were confused and turned- or tried to turn- to face their unseen attacker. Before they could, Shock Spider sent a massive voltage of electricity through the thin strand, knocking the criminals senseless.

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