I Fight an Oil Spill (S. 2, Ep. 7)

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Scott was distracted. So distracted, in fact, that he very nearly lost his first game of chess. At the last minute, he recognized Alexi's trap for what it was, and baited the Russian into a trap of his own. Five minutes and one excellently sprung trap (if he did say so himself) later, Scott moved his remaining rook three spaces to the left, securing the checkmate. He leaned back in his chair, stretched out his arms, and smiled at his now beaten opponent. Alexi just stared at the board, jaw slack with amazement.

"How?" the Russian asked in his standard broken English, "I had you in perfect spot."

Wordlessly, Scott exited the chair and gestured for the next person (Anya) to sit in his spot while Alexi was still staring at the board. The blond boy took his spot, leaning against the wall and watching as Anya and Gwen set up for their match. An alert sounded on his phone, so the secret superhero pulled out the rectangular device and read the automated message.: "Noobmaster69 has commented on 'Avengers Team-Up!'"

Curious, Scott tapped on the icon before unlocking his phone. The background showed him, Miles, Peter, Anya, and Gwen the night they'd gone camping, although apps clouded the screen so he could only see small stretches of trees, tent, and arms and legs. He opened the app he'd designed which allowed him to post videos he'd recorded on his suit, then edited to keep secret identities y'know, secret. So far his app (World-Wide Web-Slingers) had a little over a thousand downloads, simply because none of the three heroes had endorsed it, which was part of why he was so excited to get a comment (honestly, it was a bit pathetic).

Scott opened the comments for his latest video (all about his and Spider-Man's team-up with Ms. Marvel at Bilderberg) and read the comment: "Thanks for all you guys do! Screw Jameson, you three help out all the time and everyone hates you for it. Just know you're all heroes in my book!" Smiling slightly, Scott returned his phone to his pocket before going back to watching Gwen and Anya's evenly-matched game.

After five minutes, both girls had reduced the other's troops to their king and a handful of pawns. Scott could see Gwen setting up a trap, while Anya was setting up a larger trap of her own that would catch Gwen's trap when it was sprung. Before that convoluted mess could happen, Scott heard the alert on his phone for the second time that night and removed the device and looked down to see Peter was calling him. Without a second thought, the blonde boy pushed 'Accept' and began to walk into the kitchen.

"We need you to break up the party!" Peter's voice was high and tense with worry, sounding as though his stress levels were towards the maximum. Knowing how much stress his friend could handle, Scott was instantly concerned, "What's wrong? Is it the V-252?"

"Too much to explain over the phone," Peter responded, "Miles and I will meet you at Brock's house which is at..." he paused as if waiting for an answer before continuing, "1986 Michelinie Avenue, not too far from here."

"'Here?' Where is 'here'? And who's 'Brock'!?"

"The Daily Bugle," Peter commented off-handedly, ignoring Scott's second question, "Get there ASAP and Miles and I will explain everything, bye!"

He hung up, leaving an increasingly nervous Scott holding a phone in the Parker's kitchen while Anya loudly celebrated her victory in the next room. Giving himself a minute to compose his face and make up a semi-believable story, Scott then walked into the living room and announced, "Sorry to literally break up the party, but Peter just called and said his aunt was returning early. He wants the house empty when she gets back so she can rest. Sorry, guys."

The others looked back with neutral expressions on their faces (except Gwen, who muttered: "This party was dead anyways." Scott thought that remark hit a bit too close to home), seeming ok, if not a bit miffed, at what Scott was saying. Max, however, asked, "And where is Peter? Shouldn't he be telling us this himself?"

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