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Sorry if me switching to present tense confuses you. But from now the characters will be saying what's happening to them now last chapter was explaining what happened before the whole apocalyptic thing happened

Anna's P.O.V

It's been a few months since Pitch took over. More and more people have been changed into those awful soldiers, I'm beginning to get worried I'll turn into one of them too. But, whenever the dome shoots one of it's spears at me, it just seems to bounce off a glowing silver shield.

I've had to adapt, hiding in crates whenever I need to sleep and practically being a ninja when moving around! I've seen Elsa giving orders to a lot of the old townsfolk, none of them are who they once were and even poor Sven's been turned into one of those things; and I still can't find Olaf, I hope he's okay.

I don't wear dresses anymore, it's too difficult to move around in them and a tripped over during the first few days of this invasion. I've had to wear all black to try and blend in with the surroundings, the only thing that sticks out is my hair; which I've now let down into it's long wavy self. I now wear black leggings, flats, loose shirt and jacket. To keep my slight fringe out of my face, I stole a black headband from one of the younger children. I know it's bad but almost all of them have turned now, someone has to notice sooner or later.

Jack's P.O.V

"Jack, what's that?" Jamie asks, pointing towards the sky

I turn and see the whole sky filled with glowing lights

"That, is the North Pole." I say softly, something must be terribly wrong

"Does that mean you have to go?" He asks sadly

I nod apologetically, a worried look etched across my face. The wind pulls me up and I fly towards to North Pole. Sandy even lets me hitch a ride on his golden plane when we cross paths

Soon, Sandy and I arrive at the North Pole. North and Tooth are waiting for us and Bunny hops out of his tunnel as soon as we land.

"What's the problem?" Bunny asks in his 'famous' Australian accent

"Man in moon has bad, very bad news" North answers in his equally famous Russian accent

A small golden question mark appears above Sandy's head

"I'd like to know what it is too" I say

I bright light shines through a hole in the ceiling, instead of on the ground it hits a small area on the globe

"I haven't seen that before" Tooth states

"None of us have" I add

The globe rapidly spins and Manny zooms in on the small area so we can see it better. It's not like anywhere I've seen on the globe before.... It's strange, black with a single glowing dot in the middle of it

"That's doesn't look right" Bunny says

Manny then projects an image of the same place on the wall, only it has several more glowing dots and is not black.

This is Arendelle. Manny's voice booms a small kingdom that was once full of happy citizens and lots of believers. Pitch attacked a few months ago and now only one is left, I've been protecting her from the spears that poison a person's heart. Pitch has been creating a new army of Nightmare Soldiers, only a few have survived but their numbers keep dropping and I only have the power to protect the only believer left.

A silhouette of Pitch appears above Sandy's head as a both worried and scared expression crosses his face

"He's taken over an entire kingdom" Bunny says in disbelief

"What are we supposed to do?" Tooth asks worriedly

Manny didn't answer, the projection disappears and the globe goes back to spinning slowly

"I'll go check it out" I suggest

"But it might be dangerous" North warns

"I know, but that believer could be terrified, lost in a Kingdom of darkness, her friends and family soldiers to a dark force"

"The poor child will be terribly scared" Tooth agrees "but why can't we all come?"

"Because if something goes wrong and I can't get out or if I get" I hesitate "taken down, the few survivors will need rescuing by someone"

Bunny nods in understanding "let the boy go. He'll be fine, the worse thing that could happen is the kid doesn't believe in him"

I frown but take the globe North is holding "be careful"

I nod and mutter the word Arendelle into the globe before smashing it onto the ground. When I walk through the place looks dark, and people covered in Pitch's sand are walking everywhere.

What happened here?

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