I dont want to remember anymore

21 1 0

I remember the night I met you
Sure I met you months before that but I didn't know you until then
I remember the way you were spilling out everything about yourself so quickly you were tripping over your own words
"But that's me, that's who I am" you said with the most precious smile and blushed cheeks
I couldn't help but notice the way your single white eyelash seemed to shine under the moonlight
How it felt like the more you spoke to me the more the world felt to come alive
I remember how it felt to hug you for the first time
And how sad you look when you cry
How you only ever cried if it really really hurt
I remember the way your voice broke when you told me you didn't want to leave state for Christmas
The cologne you wore, the laundry soap, the way you smelt
I remember everything
Can you recall
The way my voice called out for you
The way my feet gravitated towards you
The way I knew you were near me before I ever seen you
The way I loved you
Do you remember me
At all

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