The end (of the Eboys) George × Alex

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Sat at George and Alex's shared flat was James, Will, and George deciding whether to end the eboys or remove a member. Alex was sleeping, of course at 3 pm. They couldn't just quit so far in. One of them leaving was the only option. James had got a call from Aria saying otto had gone missing and he had to leave so it was a one on one with George and Will.

"Of course it has to be between Alex and James. We have the most subs out of the both of them."

"Agreed. The pros and cons of both of them now."

"I mean they have the same amount of subs kind of, Alex has slightly more."

"Alex gets a lot more hate than James and it removes a lot of viewers"

"Yeah its because he likes men George and James is funny anyways. In fact, George, what do you think of Alex"

"I think he's uh- entertaining and makes good content when he uploads, he overdoes it with the collabs a little and it gets a little awkward."

"You're practically the only one he records with what are you talking about."

"I mean-"

"George just face it. Alex is getting kicked. He's not funny, hes annoying, he spends all his money toward clothes rather than the channel"

"Will I think you should calm down"

Alex woke up finally, coming down a few steps, not wanting to intrude into their conversation, so he waited at the top out of sight, eavesdropping.

"Be honest, what do you really think of him?"

"Will, you can't expect me to say anything bad. We're friends! Im not just going to say he's horrible and annoying"

"George, he's out."

"James hasn't said anything"

"He doesn't need to, I have the most subs I should control this"

"Just leave"

"Fine. Its the final decision though"

"If hes out, im out. Have fun making a group channel as a duo, as if James would do it anyways"


"Yeah whatever"

Will walks out the flat and Alex rushes downstairs, his heart racing. He just got kicked from their group channel. He came up with the name, and it was Fraser's idea in the first place. Fraser's not even in it.

Alex ran over and sat on the couch next to George.

"Hey Alex."

"Why'd he kick me"

"You were listening?"

"Of course"

"Well- he thinks you're annoying and bring too much hate"

"It's not his channel to decide whats done"

"He seems to think so"

"You know its fine. I don't need the stress anyways."

Alex found his eyes watering and his lip quivering as he felt a lump in his throat not able to breathe or speak anymore

"Alex like I said to him, if you leave I leave"

Alex shook his head and took a deep breath.

"No, you don't need to. I'll deal with it myself. Im on the lower end anyways, it won't make a difference."

"It will make a huge difference. James and I love recording with you. Maybe Will is just having a bad day."

"Why are we cutting a member?"

"Not enough money to pay all of us."

"George, just let it be then. Ill take the loss."

Alex ran off back upstairs and into George's room, he always stayed in there to relieve stress. Thats the kind of relationship they had, simple. George came after him, Alex was just calmly breathing laying on George's bed. George opened the door and walked over to him.

"He also said something about your sexuality attracting hate."

"So thats what this is? Just because I like girls and guys im suddenly kicked."


"Do you have an issue with me being bi?"

"Well- no. Quite the opposite."

"What do you mean"

"I mean to be fair I- I've always kind of fancied you Alex."

"Shut up"


Alex sat up and smiled.

"You're such a liar George, you've never shown any interest."

"God you're fucking stupid"

"George are you serious"

Alex shifted closer to him


As Alex's smile grew wider, he looked away. George stared at him for a long bit of silence and placed his hand on Alex's chin, turning his face so they're faced toward eachother.



George leaned in and kissed him softly.

"Why don't we start our own group channel"

"Yeah yeah we can get to that later"

Alex climbed into Georges lap returning the favour by kissing him. They pulled away from eachother and smiled. George wrapped him in a hug and Alex placed his head on George's shoulder.

Shit short story late at night ty for reading 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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