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Depression. Depression can have many definitions, from self harm to low self esteem. But to me depression is this empty feeling that is like a hole in my heart eating away my insides making me closer and closer to breaking. I was breaking everyday, everyday I want this pain of life I feel to go away and everyday it just grows more and more eating me away.

Life to me is like the deepest pit of hell and I seem to be sinking deeper and deeper by the day. I tried to stop the sinking but I gave up. That was a long time ago now I can't do anything to stop myself from falling down the rabbithole to hell.

Hell is nothing compared to this monstrosity of a life I have. I'm glad it's ending in nearly 6 months. No one cares. No one bothers to try. I'm a lost cause. This is my only way out of this treacherous life I live. This whole time I've been running away from this, not anymore.

Running isn't the way to get away it only stalls the problem and makes it worse to deal with, even too much to deal with. That is why I've stopped running, I will get my way out, the only way out of this horrible life. Death.

Hope you enjoyed it sorry its short.

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