The one and only

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Have you ever thought that you have only one true love? I did but I thought Andy was that one but I can't handle this, first he attempts to leave me then he doesn't even try to contact me for a month. I'm done.

I left my house to go to Starbucks. While I was leaving I bumped into a guy, ugh another person who I'm invisible to. "Sorry are you okay.. I'm sorry I'm so clumsy" he actually apologized that's a first. "It's okay it happens" I smile. "I'm glad your not mad, what's your name?" Was this guy actually flirting with me, another first, I'm starting to like this. "Angel Hartford" I say shyly. "Ooh little miss Hart" he smirked. "Call me" he said kind of nervously then handed me a piece of paper and left. I was left thinking who the hell is that.

This guy had left me starstruck, I had to text him but I didn't want to seem desperate but who was I kidding I am. Next thing I knew I was texting a guy I had only just seen awhile ago.

Me:Whats your name mystery guy?

Him:What do you want it to be?

Me:Whatever it is

Him:Well it's Alex

Me:Well Alex how would you like to meet up, I don't really know you other than you're clumsy and like coffee

Him:If I didn't know better I'd think you were asking me out

Me:Maybe I am maybe I'm

Him:Well I'll pick you up at 8

With that we were done talking then I got a call from Andy. "Hello?" I wonder why he called. "Hey Angel, sorry I blew you off you just shocked me and now my brother won't shut up about this girl he met at Starbucks. He told me she's beautiful and asked him out. Ugh so what's this about you being in love with me?"

What do I say what do I say? Oh I'm kinda going out with someone who I met at Starbucks just like your brother who is most likely the same guy. Probably not. "Well I kinda said that in the moment and I dont know you left me. It hurt so today this guy gave me his number and he was really nice and I kinda like him so I asked him out." I whispered the last part.

"Well I guess I deserve that, so who is he?" he said sounding disappointed. "Alex" I whisper. "Where'd you meet him?" now I have to tell him oh no. "Starbucks" oh no. "So your going out with my brother?" he asked angrily. "Maybe..."

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