Just like you?

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After my conversation with Andy I started to get ready for my date with Alex.

Alex said he'd pick me up at 8. It was now 7:59, I was wearing my normal clothes aka jeans and a black crew neck. I had to stand outside quietly so my parents wouldn't find out or they'd be worried.

Anyone who knows me would. I've never been on a date ever. Of course the silent smart kid who happens to be depressed hasn't been on a date before.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts when I see Alex get out of his car. "Get in my little Hart" he opened the door for me. I may not be normal, not one bit but this is the closet thong I have to it and I love it.

I got in and he drove us to Dave and Busters. First thing he did once we were parked he opened my door. "I hope you like it, I thought it'd be fun" he gives me this cute cheesy grin. "It's great, I've never been here before" I smile, woe this is great, he's great I never felt like this. I'm nervous but I'm unbelievablly happy.

Once we get a table we sit down a order. "So tell me something about you?" hm is this what a normal date is like? "What do you want to know?" I reply quietly. "Awe don't be shy just tell me about you, all I know is your name. What's wrong you never been on a date before." I blush and nod. "So it is well I'm glad i get to take such a cutie like you on a date" i can't help blushing.

"So tell me something about you?" hm what do I say? "I'm a senior in high school, I only really have two friends that's basically it" uh I'm really boring. "Depressing much" he laighs as my face falls how did he know? "Sorry i didn't know.. Um i didn't mean to offend you, I'm use to depressed people, no offense but.I'm pretty much the only one in my family who isn't. My brother just got out of the mental hospital. Sorry now I'm being the depressing one so tell me about your friends?"

"There isn't much to tell they're names are Andy and Chrissy" woe this is bad he'll know about me and his brother. "Oh do you mean Andy Cruz he's my brother and girlfriend Chrissy." what did he just say? "Yes that's them but they're not dating" why does this have to happen? "Then what other girl could he have been in love with who he thought didn't love him back and tryed to kill himself over?" without thinking I blurt out "me" oh god I screwed up! "What? I'm sorry but I can't, why did you even ask me out if your in love with my brother?" he said with this pain shown in his face making me want to cry.

"I'm sorry I didn't know until afterwards when Andy called me, I'm sorry and how could I want to be woth someone who hurt me like that" I start to shed a tear, this is the worse first date. "I'm sorry please don't cry but I don't see why you'd want to date me and not my brother who you told you love!" I just can't deal with this right now. "He hurt me, he trys to leave without me even though I told him not to ever leave me but he did, then he doesn't bother to contact me until a month later. A FREAKING MONTH! He broke my heart he may of done it unintentionally but I don't want to be with someone who does that to me" there's no use in trying not to cry I was already balling my eyes out.

The memory of that day filled my mind. I told him I wanted out and he said I couldn't leave without him so that day we promised no.matter what we wouldn't leave without eachother. Once I realize i was zoned put I started to speak.

"I'm sorry, lets go I'll get our food to go"  I feel so bad now I've already driven him away. "Please don't, please sot down and tell me something about yourself?" I ask wiping my tears smiling. Alex has been so sweet I can't have it end like this. "I'm a freshman in college, I'm clumsy, and dorky and I'd love it if you would go out with me again" again with that cheesy grin. "I'd love to"

For the rest of the night we were talking and laighing and he even held me while playing skeeball. So basically the whole night I was blushing. Alex made me feel better about myself, while Andy made me feel less alone. Alex made me forget about Andy. Other than me balling my eyes out I had an amazing time.

I got home around 11. Woe my parents are going to freak out. Once I walked in the door my parents attacked me with hugs. "I'm sorry I probably had you worried sick" I know I did I just hoped I wasn't in trouble. "Where were you?" my mom asks woth worry. "On a date" I just can't wipe the smile from my face. "Oh okay next time tell me" my mom walked off like it was nothing. Woe that was easy I guess that means I can date alex.

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