Two years later

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It took me awhile to get used to life without my parents and adjusting to life with my older sister taking care of me and now, but the thought of my parents made me fall back into a griefing state, so my sister tried her best to make sure nothing remind
me of them so i could live my life without worrying about them. It's been two years since my parents deaths and now my sister was the number one hero known as imperium, it mean control in latin fitting isn't it, she was a symbol of power and she made everyone feel safer in our super human society, everyone adored her and she worked in a group called the "glass butterflies" and they worked together to take down big groups of villains and did it with style, i am very proud of my sister and i look up to her and want to be like her one day, even though i was powerless i still wanted to avenge the death of my parents by taking down the bitch who killed them. My sisters group would work together a lot of the time but she would work alone too and that's how she earnt the tidal of number one, her teammates were amazing to and were also powerful, Sombra, also known as the dark hero she could use the shadows and make them bend to her will. Imagica, also known as the evacuation hero, her power was teleportation and she could teleport herself and others she touched. Ryherda, also known as the hero who could manipulate the elements of earth, he was my favorite. Lialas, also known as the winged hero, he had the ability of wings he could fly and was useful for the bird's eye view on villain headquarters. The glass butterflies were loved by all and known across the world for their teamwork and their powers, m sister was the leader and she had all of her teammates powers because of what she could do with hers, her power was amazing, she could control anything and everything from elements to the human mind, she always there when someone needs her.

I was homeschooled because of my sister's fame and so I couldn't really go out without being chased down by interviewers who wanted the inner scoop on my sister. So I stayed home and studied for my entrance exams for high school so I could become a hero, even though I was powerless it didn't mean i couldn't be a hero. And I could finally go out and make friends instead of being alone and my only friends being my sister and her team.

I was getting bored of sitting around the house and being cooped up, so I decided to try and go out for a bit and have a look around the town.

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