The battle begins

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The hours went by fast as my sister and team prepared for the battle ahead, they knew he wouldn't be alone and they wanted to make sure everyone was out of the area when they took him down because they don't know if he knows that they are coming. Their base was about half hour away from my house and I knew the quowordents. I decided I was going to see them take him down even if it's the last thing I do. I want to see him go.. He deserves to be 6 feet under.
The time came when they were going to head over there and go into battle with Oneseye, i decided to sneak into the boot of the team car so i could see it happen, so i could see him die and watch the life drain away from his eyes. Then I heard voices from outside the car, they were getting in and were ready to go, it was time.  The engine started and we were soon on the road, fear began to crowd my mind, what if this all goes wrong and I lose Yrrah too, no no no, i was just overthinking right.. Yeah that's it.

I felt the car come to a sudden stop, then I heard a massive bang, and scquermied, then they all got out of the car, it was so cramped in the back and I started shifting around then, the boot door opened, I fell out of the car onto the road. Then i heard someone shout,
"Eil what the hell are you doing here, crap no, why are you here!"
I saw my sister and her team in a fighting stance, I looked to the other side to see who they were facing, my jaw dropped.

On the other side of the battle field was Oneseye and a massive group of villains stood behind him, my eyes were wide, the glass butterflies were now more worried about me and how I got there instead of the battle they were about to face.

Then my sister's eyes began to glow as she threw her hands up making a wall appear out of nowhere in front of Oneseye and his army of villains. She began to run over to me and her face was red with anger,
"What the hell are you doing here eli, No how did you get here? ANSWER ME."
"I wanted to see you take down Oneseye and avenge our parents. I want to see him die and pay for what he did."
She rolled her eyes in annoyance,
"I swear Eli I will get revenge for our parents but you don't need to see it,  I can assure you he will pay."
The air was filled with battle cries as Oneseye's army tried to take down the wall my sister had put between us and them,
"Imperium they are breaking though!"
"You are in so much trouble when we get home Eli i swear."
Then her eyes started to glow again and I was lifted up into the air and the air was compressed forming around me making a clear glass like box shielding me from the battle. 

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