Its over

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Then the wall came down, and they all started charging towards the glass butterflies and they stood in formation and started charging towards them as well, my sisters eyes glew bright as she charged forward then the battle started, Sombras hands were covered in dark shadows as she charged forwards and made the shadows around her tie up each villain who came near her, Imagica ran forward and touched each person who came close enough to her and teleported them into police costerty, Ryherda stayed back and put his hands on the floor and then branches and plants started popping up out of the concrete tying each villain with tite bindings no one could break though, Lialas flew above the battle getting a visual for Yrrah to see where Oneseye was. 

I knew the plan like the back of my hand as I had watched them plan this battle for months. Now I was seeing it in action, I watched in awe as they all worked together and took down nearly the entire army in less than 5 minutes then I noticed something, where is Oneseye..

I started looking around for him, my eyes darting around looking for him, I began to panic. My sister was now in the air looking for him too, I could see the annoyance on her face as she was looking for him.
Then I felt the box shift.

Then my sister's eyes shifted towards me, as she felt the movement of the box with her power. I looked down to see Oneseye trying to break the box open to get to me, I started to panic as it started to break, my sister was flying towards me.

Then the box broke. I fell into Oneseye's arms and he held me by my neck. I began to struggle against his grip as breathing got harder as he squeezed my throat.

Then subcontisolly shifted to where his hand was practically near my mouth and I bit down. I bit till blood started to drip from his hand. My mouth was then filled with the blood from his hand, I had no choice but to swallow it. I gagged and he dropped me as he tried to stop the bleeding with his ability, then my sister got to him and started to fight.  

I began to feel strange as my body felt funny. I then threw up and loads of blood came up. I felt so weird.

Then my eyes began to glow red, then everything went black..

When I had come too, I was standing over oneseye's body on the ground, my hands and face covered in blood.  My sister stood there with worry as she looked me up and down making sure it was safe to approach me.  She started to walk towards me but fell halfway over only to be caught by Lialas. I couldn't move or do anything. I was frozen in shock, what happened? How is Oneseye dead? Why am I covered in blood? My head began to spin as I fell to the floor feeling sick to my stomach.  I looked up with tears in my eyes looking towards my sister and the others, they looked at me in fear. But they soon realised I was just as confused as they were.

Ryherda began to walk over to me and sat next to me on the cold concrete. I looked at him now with cold tears rolling down my cheeks. "Do you know what happened?"
I shook my head, then he continued to talk.
"You killed him."
Those words sent me into shock. Me killed him? How? Omg is this all his blood i'm covered in?
"Don't panic, I'll explain everything that happened to you and you can try to chill."
He continued as I stared at the floor now crying.
"Your eyes began to glow red after you spat out lodes of blood then you attacked Oneseye taking in down by biting and cutting him until he eventually bled out in front of you, your eyes were glowing intensely red at that point and he was dead in front of you that's when they stopped glowing and you were, you again."
"Me again?"
He nodded.

I then threw up at the thought of it all. My head was spinning round and round which didn't help with it. My sister then came up to me and practically fell next to me and hugged me tightly. I was shaking and crying.

And that's how Oneseye died. By my hand.

We eventually went home after everything cleared up and I went straight to he shower to try and clear my head from my spinning thoughts. The floor was covered in the blood of Oneseye as I washed off all the dried blood and tried to clear my head.

After I had cleaned myself and got new clothes I went to bed. Slumber came quickly as my mind slowly put everything to rest and I was able to sleep peacefully. 

And that's how I got the name Cold blood...

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