A week later

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It's been a week since I was attacked and my life was pretty much back to normal apart from my sister keeping a close eye on me. I would walk around the house and she'd be right behind me. It was a little creepy. But I didn't take much notice of it since she was only worried about me.

My sister team "the glass butterflies." have been getting close with a new mission and are coming close to taking a massive villain organization down. I liked to help them in any way I can because they are my inspiration and I want to be part of their team someday, but my head knows I can't but my heart wants to. If my sister and her team could take down this organisation then they would be close to getting to the bitch who killed my parents, he was known as, Oneseye, or that's what everyone called him, he could manipulate his body and turn it into anything. But my sister knew she could take him down and was inspired to do so to avenge the death of our parents so she was very swift into trying to find him so she could take him down. I remember sitting down with my sister and her team discussing how they are going to take down Oneseye and I could see the pain in her eyes. All I wanted to do was cry when I heard the name Oneseye. He took the two most important people from my life and left me and my sister alone.  I knew my sister would take him down though, I know she can do it, she's got the power to do so and she will use it to kill him.

My sister had gathered enough evidence and had found the whereabouts of his headquarters and was planning to take him down tonight, her and the glass butterflies have been planning this for ages and they finally get to put it into action, i really wanted to see them take down Oneseye so i could see his eyes turn grey, but my sister's fear got the better of her and she wouldn't let me go with her so i had to stayback, but i couldnt i wanted to see it happen i wanted to see him get taken down and have my parent revenged for what he did to them, he killed them and now i can never see them again.

.Cold Blood. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora