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Yoongi's heartbeat fasten as the tall man approached him. His eyes stuck on the handsome face while those eyes were busy inspecting the child clinging to Yoongi's leg.

"dadda!" said the boy as the man kneeled down in front of the child, scanning his little body. Yoongi could see the man's hand almost covering all the child's body whose name was supposedly 'toma'?.

"are you okay honey!? You didn't get hurt, did you?" he asked with nervous eyes. And the boy nodded his head as he opened his mouth pointing towards the teeth.

And the concerned man took a close look at his son's teeth doing the same as yoongi did earlier.

" where were you toma, you know how tensed dadda gets when you're not around?" he asked and the guilty boy hugged the man.

" tomma sorry dadda! Won't do again" he said with lisp and hugged the man's neck.

"now go to uncle Lee. He was missing you too, he even cried" he said pointing at the middle man over there and the boy giggled before running towards the man.

The man stood up, his tall body making yoongi realise how short he was. The lips which was smiling with amusement a few minutes earlier were turned into an angry arc. Jaw tight, dark eyes, biting his inner cheek the man turned towards yoongi starting at him with dark accusing eyes.

'i am fucked' yoongi thought as the man stood in front of him, his demour changed completely. Once, a concerned father was now a scary mafia.

"who are  you?" he asked, his voice fell few octane as he speak.

"yes?" yoongi asked, forgetting how to speak for a moment, realising what he was asked for yoongi answered "Min yoongi".

He looked dissatisfied with the answer.

"I will ask you again, who. Are. You?" asked the man again raising his eyebrows.

"min yoongi?" he repeated, not knowing what else could be the answer to that question. Was he supposed to tell something else.

"don't play dumb. Tell me who you work for?" he enquired and Yoongi's eyes widen understanding everything crystal clear. They were mistaking him as some spy. And that's why he was being enquired.

"N-no, you got me wrong. I am not a spy or something" yoongi tried to explain before he raised his hand gesturing his guards to surround yoongi and they too the position in splits second. His eyes still stuck on yoongi.

"listen whatever this confusion is I don't know but please trust me i have nothing to do with your son being with me! Trust me! I was as confused as you were when I found him on the bus and since he was clinging to me I couldn't help but to take him with me and I was also planning to search for his family "yoongi tried to explain helding onto the man's big hands. He knew if he failed to convince the man he will be a dead meat the next moment.

" so, you won't accept. Search his body"ordered the leader slapping Yoongi's hand away from his. And yoongi was held by a dozen hands before they started checking his clothes for some evidence. Yoongi was struggling and humiliated. His eyes searching for his 'little' savior who was nowhere to be seen.

"he doesn't have anything suspicious" said one of the guards handing Yoongi's phone and I'd to the man.

He scanned the I'd. "Min Yoongi, tour guide?" he looked at yoongi who looked away but the person got his attention as he heard the scattering sound.

Yoongi scanned the man's hand and his eyes widen as he found his phone missing.

"looks like you're actually a civilian. We're sorry we mistook you for someone else" the man offered the insincere apology before he turned around to leave.

"YAH! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE SORRY!? YOU BROKE MY PHONE, GOT ME HUMILIATED, MADE ME MISS MY LAST BUS, ABDUCTED ME! AND NOW YOU THINK YOUR DRYASS SORRY WILL MAKE UP FOR ALL THE TROUBLES I'VE BEEM THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR SON!" yoongi shouted throwing his shoes which hit the man's back making him turn around, with his men pointing snipers at yoongi.

But yoongi was a way too furious to care about what he was doing. He didn't even have any idea who that man was but he was sure that they weren't some white collared men, they sure were some underground organisation. And their advanced weapon proves it.

"you must be out of your mind" said the man.

"I was going to go easy on you but you don't deserve it" he mocked as he raised Yoongi's I'd in his hand and tore it into pieces before tossing it.

"my. Son. Isn't. A. Bother. If someone is a bother then it's 'you'. And don't you dare to say anything about him if you want your tongue to be safe or I might cripple it" he warned with clenched jaw.

There was no way yoongi could say 'anything' after that. He could see the anger in the man's bloodshot eyes. And suddenly his sharp features turned soft as a putter patter could be heard.

"mango tee, ba-na-na tee, rosee tee" the boy who passed his father and stood in front of yoongi. And raised his arms and yoongi scooped him into his arms soon.

"ba-na-na tee!" he cheered offering yoongi the big banana leaf in his hand.

"you want me to hold this for you?" yoongi asked and the boy nodded.

Yoongi took the leaf from the boy, feeling guilty for saying that about the little fluffball.

"that's it, toma let's go now" said the man taking Toma from yoongi. Moving towards the vehicle.

The child suddenly turned towards yoongi as called him closer. Yoongi thought he wanted his leaf back, so he held the leaf out for him to take.

"momma come too!" and the man's legs and Yoongi's body both froze.


-SHH..TOMA'S SLEEPING- ńam.gī ✔Where stories live. Discover now