Harry Meningitis

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Thank you for the idea BeautifulRain2020

Liam POV
"Alright Louis, here let me get your bag" Paul said as he led Louis into the tour bus. It had been three weeks since Louis was first admitted to the hospital, and he had finally been discharged after having his stitches removed.
"Hey Lou!" Niall called from the kitchen, as he made me and himself a sandwich.
"Would you like me to put this near your bunk, Louis?" Paul asked and Louis nodded.
"Want a sandwich Louis?" I asked as Niall came out of the kitchen with two turkey and cheese sandwiches on paper plates.
"Yeah sure, can I have just turkey though?" He answered as I took my plate
"Of course, Lou. I'll go get that for you" Niall said before he went back towards the kitchen.
"Alright boys, you have an interview in two hours, so I'll stop by before we head out, okay?"
"Sounds good Paul."
"See you later" Louis and I replied before Paul left.
"Where's Harry?" Louis then asked.
"Oh, he and Zayn were feeling tired so they're both just taking a nap" I explained and he nodded.

An hour and a half later while all of us except for Harry were watching Step Brothers, Paul stopped by to let us know that the bus was going to begin heading to the interview.
"Shall I go get Harry up, lads?" I asked and every nodded in agreement.
I made my way to the bunks and pulled by Harry's curtain. He had dark bags under his eyes, and he was snoring softly.
"Harry, it's time to get up" I said as I gently shook him.
"We have to get ready for the interview, mate" I reminded him and he squeezed his eyes shut. "Come on, we need to go."
"I feel awful, Li" He moaned and I took a closer look at him.
He wasn't pale or anything, and aside from the dark circles under his eyes nothing seemed to be wrong.
"You're just tired, mate. We all need to go to this interview."
"Urgh, fine." Harry groaned before he pushed himself upright.
He got out of bed and slowly walked across the room with his hand on his lower back.
"Liam, I really don't think I can do this interview today" He said quietly and I sighed. "My head and back really hurt."
"I'm sorry H, but this is our first interview with Louis since we finished the tour, and we need all of us there. You're back is probably just sore from working out yesterday"
Harry groaned and nodded in defeat.
"Alright Harry, I'll leave you to get changed. Just come outside when you're dome" I told him before I left.

Harry POV
My head felt fuzzy and I could hardly concentrate on what the interviewer or the boys were saying. Liam told me that I was probably just tired and sore from working out yesterday, but I'd been feeling like this for a few days, and...
"What's wrong, Haz?" Louis asked me as we got back into the tour bus after our interview.
"I feel wrong, Lou" I murmured as my head pulsated and I winced.
"What do you mean?" He then asked and I shrugged.
"I'm just really tired, and I have a headache. My back and neck kinda hurt too." I whispered. "Think I'm just gonna go to sleep."
"Alright Haz. You're probably just overly tired. Do you need anything before you go to the bunks?"
"I think I'll go get myself some water."
"How about I grab that for you? You can go to the bunks" He assured me and I nodded before thanking him.

Once I laid down in my bunk, Louis brought me some water which I drank before letting myself drift off.
Next thing I knew I was awoken by my pulsing head, and I felt sick.
"Urgh" I groaned as I squeezed my eyes shut.
"You okay man?" Zayn asked as he opened my curtain.
"I feel sick" I groaned
"Yeah." I replied as I pushed myself upright, only to lay myself back down as any movement seemed to hurt my stiff neck.
"Come on then and we can go to the bathroom." Zayn said and I shook my head slightly, aggravating my neck and sending pain shooting down my back to my legs.
"Can't move," I moaned before I gagged. "Back hurts"
"Ok, okay." Zayn said before he disappeared. "Here."
Zayn pulled me upright slightly and placed a bin under my chin just as I felt bile rise in my throat.
"There you go, get it up mate." Zayn said before more of my lunch came up my throat he called for Liam.
"What's wrong Za- Oh" I heard Liam say as he came into the room. "You really don't feel well H."
I shook my head slightly before spitting into the bin and letting myself collapse back down.

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