Zayn Accident on Stage

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a.n. ~ ummm first update in...idek know how long it feels like forever. anyways i hope you enjoy, and i hope to be updating this more frequently (i always say that though) because i have some chapters i'm really looking forward to writing :)

thanks for this idea BeautifulRain2020

No One's POV

With the album release quickly approaching, the boys' press tour was in full swing, meaning they had a handful of smaller, non-concert gigs to do. For example, today, they were performing in downtown Manhattan as part of an interview with Jimmy Fallon.
"Hello boys, how are you all doing today?" Jimmy asked after he arrived at the studio and found four of the five boys in one dressing room.
"We're good Jimmy, yeah. How are you?" Louis replied, looking up from his phone and offering Jimmy a friendly smile.
"I'm great. Just wanted to let you guys know that there's 30 minutes until we are set to begin." Jimmy reminded them before he turned to leave.
"Can you let Zayn know that? He's in the third dressing room down the hall." Harry asked, and Jimmy nodded, not really questioning why Zayn wasn't in the same dressing room.

"Hey Zayn? Can I come in for a second?" Jimmy asked, knocking on the dressing room door. After a moment, the door opened and Zayn greeted Jimmy warmly.
"Hey man, how are you doing?" He asked
"I'm well Zayn, thanks for asking." Jimmy replied. "I just came to let you know that there's 30 minutes to show time."
"Ah gotcha. Reckon I should start getting ready then."
"Yeah, I'll leave you to it. Hey, wait. If you don't mind me asking, is there something going on between you and the others? They're all in the other dressing room." Jimmy mentioned, and Zayn sighed.
"Yeah. They've all been pretty mad at me lately, because I um. I'm leaving the band in a few weeks."
"What?! Why?" Jimmy asked in surprise.
"I just need a break from the constant touring and work, and I really want to make my own music I guess. Please don't tell anyone that I told you this, though. Only the boys and our crew know." Zayn answered and Jimmy nodded understandingly.
"Of course, Zayn. Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here." Jimmy said kindly. "Now, I need to go get ready for the show myself, so I'll see you in a bit, alright?"
"Alright, see you soon"

Once the interview began the first sections ran smoothly, and all the boys were eagerly looking forward to their performance, where they would be playing 'Night Changes', which was set to be released to the public at midnight. They knew that the fans in the audience would be so excited when they learned that they would be the first to hear it live.
"So boys, let's talk about your most recent single, 'Steal My Girl'. I understand that it has been quite a hit here in the United States." Jimmy said and some cheers and squeals could be heard in the audience.
"Yes, yes it has been." Liam began. "We've actually been quite pleasantly surprised by all the love and attention it's been getting."
"Yeah, it's been out for two months and it already has over 10 million downloads." Niall added
"And I heard that you have a new single coming out tonight, is that correct?" Jimmy continued.
"Yes, it's called 'Night Changes'." Harry said, and more cheers came from the crowd. "And actually, hold that excitement for my big announcement...You all will be the first to hear it when we perform it in just a few minutes!" Harry announced and the audience went wild.
After the audience calmed down, the boys spoke with Jimmy for a few more minutes about the single, and the new album that was set to release in just two weeks time.

Finally though, after much anticipation, the time finally came for the performance. The boys first sang 'Steal My Girl', which went perfectly, and then it was the moment that everyone had been waiting for.
"Going out tonight, changes into something red." Zayn began to sing as a faint creaking sound could be heard from above the spot where he was standing. "Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress. Everything she never had, she's showing off."
As the other boys sang their parts, Zayn kept looking up above him as the noise was seemingly getting louder. He wondered if he was just imagining it, or if the other boys noticed it too.
"Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress. Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost." Zayn sang, when there was a loud crack from above.
"Shit Zayn! Look out" Louis cried out but it was too late. The lighting rig fell from above, knocking Zayn down and crushing his lower half.
"Stop the cameras! Stop" Jimmy called quickly as he, the boys, Paul, and the rest of the band's security rushed over to Zayn.
"What hurts Zayn, what hurts?" Harry asked, being the first to kneel down beside Zayn.
"My legs, oh my god my legs" Zayn cried in pain, burying his face into the stage.
"We need to get this thing off of him" Liam said as he touched the lighting rig, and looked to Paul who had made his way onto the small stage.
"Can we get an ambulance, can someone call an ambulance" Paul said to Jimmy who then asked one of the tech guys to call. "Zayn? Can you hear me?"
"Urgh help me." He groaned in response.
"Okay, we're getting you help. Just stay still, and don't try to move your legs." Paul said calmly.
"Can we get this thing off of him?" Liam asked and Louis knelt beside Zayn.
"No, I don't want to move it until help has arrived."
"But he's bleeding, Paul. Look there's blood" Harry pointed out as Jimmy tried to calm the panicked audience.
"I'm bleeding? Fuck, this hurts so bad"
"I know Zayn, I know. We have to wait, boys, it'll be okay" Paul said.
"You're okay mate." Louis said as he took Zayn's hand and Zayn looked at him.
"I'm sorry, Louis" Zayn whispered as tears streamed down his face. He had never felt anything this painful, and it was starting to make him very lightheaded.
"Shhh, it's okay Zayn. I've been a dick too, and I forgive you." Louis assured him as he squeezed his hand.
"Argh!" Zayn cried out once more before his eyes rolled back.
"Help is going to be here soon, Zayn" Liam encouraged as Paul went over to the tech manager to find out how far the ambulance was.
"Shit! Zayn! He just passed out" Niall exclaimed and all of the boys began to panic even more.
"Paul! He's out!" Harry called to Paul as Louis gently hit Zayn's face in an attempt to wake him.
"Okay, it's okay boys, the paramedics will be here in a minute or two to take over."
Just as Paul promised, within the next minute, the firefighters arrived and the boys were ushered away from Zayn. Through a joint effort of the firefighters, Jimmy Fallon's security team, and the boys' security team, they were able to remove the broken lighting rig from Zayn's body; Zayn was then promptly moved onto a stretcher and taken out to the Aid car.

"Any update on Zayn yet?" Harry asked Liam, who had ridden with Zayn in the ambulance, once he and the rest of the boys arrived at the hospital.
"No, they took him back for x-rays. There was so much blood, though." Liam said, shaking his head. Too many times over the past year had he been forced to see one of his friends in such a state.

About thirty minutes later, a doctor came out and called the boys back to update them on their bandmate's condition.
"How is he? Is he okay?" Louis asked impatiently
"Yes, all things considered he is alright. He has a fractured pelvis, and a broken upper femur in his left leg, which will require surgery. We also need to stitch up his leg, as the lighting rig cut into it pretty significantly, so we are going to take him up to the theater within the next hour." The doctor explained.
"Oh thank god" Louis mumbled, glad that his best friend was going to be okay.
"Is he doing okay? Can we see him before he's taken up to surgery?" Niall asked and the doctor nodded.
"Yes, but we have him on a high dosage of morphine so he may be a bit tired and out of it. He should be feeling much less of the pain now. His room is just this way, follow me." He said before leading the boys down the hall and to Zayn's room.

"Hey Z." Louis whispered softly as they all entered, and Zayn slowly opened his eyes.
"Hey, guys." He said slowly, feeling the effects of the pain medication
"How are you feeling, mate?" Harry asked as they all sat around Zayn.
"Better. Tired, but it hurts less" He mumbled in response as Louis and Liam took his hands.
"I'm really sorry Zayn for being such an asshole to you" Louis apologized sincerely.
"It's okay, Lou. I sprung this all on you so suddenly."
"Yeah, you did. But we all understand where you're coming from. And we support you no matter what, okay? You're our brother, forever." Liam encouraged him, earning a small smile from Zayn.
"I think I'm done boys. I don't think I'm coming back to the band." He then said in a serious tone.
"We understand, Zayn." Harry said, though he could feel a lump forming in his throat.
"Are you going to go home then?" Niall asked and Zayn nodded.
"Doctor Martin said he would have reception call my mum. I need her here, and then I wanna go home. I just need to go home." Zayn said as his voice cracked. A knock then came from the door.
"Boys, it's time to start prepping Zayn for surgery." Doctor Martin announced as he came into the room. "I've arranged for you boys to have a cubicle to wait in, so you don't have to deal with anyone in the waiting room. If you'd just follow Nurse Becca, she'll lead the way."
"Alright Zayn, good luck mate"
"We'll be here waiting when you come out." Harry and Louis said as the four boys got up and left the room.

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