Chapter 29

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*** 5 YEARS LATER ***
*Johanna's POV*

"Hi, I'm Johanna Ross and I'm now 30. Some of you may not know my story. Five years ago, when I got back to LA from Canada, I went over to my moms. She was a drunk, and a drug addict. I started doing every thing she did. Drinking every day, and taking/doing at least two different drugs a day. After 2 years of that at least 5-6 days a week, mom and I decided to go to rehab. We helped eachother through it all only to find out during the last month she was there, she had gotten lung cancer. She had fought so hard and in my opinion too long. It's been 1 and a half years since my mom past. I wish she was here accomplishing this with me but I know she's looking down at me with pride. Here's to 3 years of being sober!" I said with a choke at the end raising my glass of water at my AA meeting.

I walked back to my seat and held back my tears. That speech always hurts me. My mom and I weren't on the best terms for many years, but I was proud of her becoming sober before her time came.

I sat silence while starring at a near by wall for the rest of the meeting. At the end I grabbed my purse and walked out earning a couple sympathy looks or "I'm sorry for your loss." I hated when people said that. First of all it happened almost 2 years ago, and second of all they almost never mean it, and third of all, they never knew her. I was polite and responded with slight "Thank yous."

With that I walked out of the building the meetings were always in once a week. I walked to my car taking my keys out of my pocket and unlocking my car. After getting in and shutting the door, I grabbed my phone. No notifications, just how I like it. I turned the key in the ignition causing my car to start up. As I was about to put it in drive and drive away I heard my phone go off. I looked at it and it said "Carly🙈"

My bestfriend always texts me right after the meetings asking how they went. I decided I'd answer when I got to the store. I had to run and pick up some stuff for supper.

I got to the grocery store and hopped out putting my keys in my purse and walking in. I felt my phone vibrate again so I pulled it out and I had another message from her. I decided to open them now. I grabbed a basket and walked in searching for what I wanted for supper.

I took out my phone and opened it reading her messages

Carly🙈: Hey! How was AA?
Carly🙈: Any cute guys yet? 😏
Me: Oh my god, Carly. No! And it was good, nothing new.
Carly🙈: Awe. 😒 Can I stay for supper?
Me: Sure babe, be there in like an hour.
Carly🙈: No problem! 😊

Carly was a preppy girl. We were so opposite, but it worked. I put my phone away and kept searching for supper. I walked over to the freezer section and opened the door leading to the lasagna. I grabbed one big enough for three and put it in my basket. I closed the door and turned to my left to see two boys I left long ago. Cameron and Nash. What the hell. No. I turned away as soon as they saw me standing there. I tried walking away calmly but it didn't work.

*Cameron's POV*

Nash and I were joking around in the middle of the grocery store when someone caught my eye. I stopped Nash in the middle of his sentence.
"Bro, is that Johanna?!" I asked Nash surprised as hell.
"Who? Where?" He asked and turned to the direction I was looking to see her walking away. I was frozen. Nash saw me and then took matters in his own hands. He ran after her and stopped her.
"Hey Johanna! It's been forever!" He said nicely and genuine with a smile. She smiled back relaxing a little. I was relaxed just by seeing her smile. I walked over to them, nervous how she'd react.
"Hey Jo. I-I mean Johanna." I stuttered with nervousness.
"Y'all can still call me Jo. It's still my nick name guys." She said and I let out a breath I didn't know was being held. Hearing her voice was amazing. I haven't heard it in 5 years. The last time I did, it was broken sounding. Because of me.
"Cameron? You okay?" Johanna asked touching my arm slightly. I froze again. The things this girl does to me.
"Cameron, calm down. It's just me. The same girl I was 5 years ago." Johanna peacefully said as I saw Nash walking away.
"What happened to Nash?" I asked confused and pointing to him down the isle.
"Oh, he told me he'd give us some private time. Ish..." She giggled and looked around.
"I've missed that giggle." I blurted it out without even processing it.
"So have I." She smiled at me.
"Shit. He's probably back now!" Jo said looking down at her watch. My heart fell. She's with someone.
"Calm dude, he's my son. My friend is bringing him home from after school care." She laughed. I'm guessing she could tell by my facial expression.
"Y-you have a kid? Since when?" I asked again not even thinking before I said it.
"4 years now. He just had his birthday a month ago actually." Jo glowed while talking about him.
"Can we carry this on later? I really gotta get home!" She was so caring and nice about it.
"Sure, here's my number. We should get coffee!" I smiled at her.
"I'd like that. Well, talk soon I guess!" She said with a smile and hugged me friend-like.

With a friendly wave, she was off. I couldn't hide the smile she gave me. Nash walked up with a huge grin on his face and his hands behind his back.

Drugs (Cameron Dallas)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora