Chapter 4

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*Cameron's POV*

"Ok so. When I was younger like about 11 ish I knew that I wasn't gonna be a very skinny girl. Ever. So I just went along with it. When I was 14 almost 15 I had a really hard time in school with everything. So I planned to move schools but I wanted to lose weight so I could come back and surprise everyone cause I would be bullied by them always calling me names cause of my size. When I moved schools I was losing a lot of weight but my mom got a new boyfriend. He didn't abuse her. He abused me. That's why I am so scarred of men now. And when I do let guys in they always hurt me. Emotionally and physically. My step dad made my mom and I move here to LA just so I didn't know anybody and I couldn't get help from his abuse. It carried on from when I was 15 to when I turned 20. I moved away at 20 back to my home town and went to my dream college. As you can tell I lost a lot of weight but when I moved back my mom called me a fat cow cause I made her boyfriend leave. I knew he only stayed so he could hit me. So when I left so did he. My mom is a drunk now and always curses at me when I try to go back to the house to talk to her. Over the years I started cutting to help make the pain go away. It only seemed to make the pain worse tho. I had no one growing up. Every night it felt like it would be easier if I just died in my sleep. I remember one night that was extremely hard for me. Christmas Eve 2014. That night I was bawling in my room for hours. I always act strong at school because I think I can handle everything but I know deep down that I can't so I eventually crashed. I broke. I started bawling and cutting nonstop. Since I was big when I was young I could play such aggressive sports. I was a lineman in football. The most contact position. I did because I got away from my family a lot and I could handle the pain. It was great too cause I would get bruises from moms boyfriend and blame it on my sports. I understand if you wanna leave now Cameron." She said crying.

The whole time she was talking I was in awe of how she went through this all with no ones help. I had no idea of any of this. She acts so strong. But now I see it. The girl she didn't want me to see. The girl that I plan on trusting again. I moved onto the floor infront of her.
"Johanna. I would never leave you like this. I am never gonna just walk out on you. I am here because I never leave a room with a woman still crying. I never leave that room until she is ready to leave with me." I spoke softly while taking her hands in mine. She sat there crying.
I got up and picked started to pick her up.
"Cameron! Don't! Please!" She yelled through her tears. I put her down.
"Jo why not?" I asked her.
"Because I'm too heavy for you to carry all the way up the stairs!" She said curling up in a ball while crying.
"Johanna Ross. I'm gonna show you how small you are by carrying you up those stairs and taking you to your room." I said. I picked her up and started walking up the stairs. i got to her room and set her on her bed.
"See Jo. You're skinny. I don't care what you looked like in previous years. I only care about what's infront of me right now. And that is a beautiful girl who doesn't need to change anything." I said while wrapping my arms around her and lying in bed with her.

She didn't say anything. She just lied there with me crying. And I was perfectly ok with that. As long as I was with her. After a couple hours of her crying and me rocking her singing to her she stopped crying. It was about 11:30 when she calmed down.
"Jo I don't want to be rude by staying the night on our second time seeing eachother so is it ok if I leave?" I asked her being polite.
"No Cam please stay with me!" She told me.
"Ok Jo. But I don't want to give you the wrong impression of me so I'll go sleep on the couch." I said walking out of the room.
"Cameron no! Please stay here. With me. I want you here." She said choking on her words. I could tell she was getting worked up again.
"Ok Jo. As long as it's ok with you." I said getting in bed with her again.
"If you left it wouldn't have been ok with me." She said cuddling into my chest.

I put one arm around her and my other was on her hip. Her arms were snaked around my torso and her head was on my chest. Our legs were tangled together. Before I knew it she was sleeping. She was so peaceful when she was sleeping.
"I promise you Johanna. I will never let someone hurt you ever again. I'm your guardian now. My next goal is to make you mine. I promise you that. Goodnight beautiful." I said and kissed her forehead.

*Johanna's POV*

I can't believe I just heard all that from him. That's all I've ever wanted to hear. I felt him kiss my forehead and he then fell asleep. I looked up at him and he looked so cute while sleeping.
"And I promise you Cameron that I will let you care for me. I won't put up my guard. You will be my guard. And my next goal is to be yours. Goodnight baby." I said then snuggled back into his warm embrace and drifted off to sleep.

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