Chapter 2

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Riley looked at the little cafe in New York that she found herself at while she was waiting for Lucas. She heard a familiar truck outside as she smiled seeing the cowboy jumping out of the truck. She smiled seeing that Lucas hadn't changed and that Texas was doing him well when he had entered the cafe.

"Seems like Texas is treating you well. Hi, Lucas," Riley said as she gave Lucas a hug.

"Hey, you. How is NYU?" Lucas asked as both of them sat down ordering two coffees.

"NYU is good. As well as Maya and Josh and Grayson. He's growing up fast," Riley said as Lucas smiled.

"I bet he'll grow up fast. Isn't the kid like 1 already?" Lucas asked as Riley nodded.

"Yeah he is. Anyway, why did you want to see me? Not every day when a girl gets a call from her ex," Riley said.

"And I'm hoping I can change the ex part. I've missed you and I don't ever think I stopped loving you either. These past 5 years being away from you has been hell. Yes, Texas is nice and everything, but somehow it still wasn't the same without you," Lucas said as Riley had smiled.

"Yeah I missed you too. But you're in Texas and I'm in New York. How will that work?" Riley asked.

"I'm moving to New York," Lucas said.

"Hey then we can actually try and figure out what's going on. How long are you here for before you go back for arrangements?" Riley asked.

"Everything has been arranged. All I need to do is stay," Lucas said.

"Good," Riley said.

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