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My hands hurt from the rope that was tied around my wrists, holding me up against the wooden wall. The ropes were tied so tight I could barely feel my hands. Luckily my feet were still on the ground so it's not that bad. I think.

I wore this stupid blue outfit, it was a blue one piece. It went from my thighs and up to my neck, with sleeves to my elbow. But you couldn't see them since they had fallen down to my shoulders.

Kathlyn next to me wore the same just in pink, her blond hair was on her shoulders, so she looked more presentable. They didn't even know our names here, they just called us after what colors we wore.

I think I wear blue most because of my blue hair.

Emma to my right wore green, her brown her was up in a messy bun. They thought her hair was to long and she wouldn't get sold if the buyers saw how long her hair was.

I ended up in this hell whole thanks to my mom. She needed money for drugs, and alcohol so she sold me to this company that sells people. It's not fair at all.

A man with a desk and one of those hammer things a lawyer has in his hands stood on the left to the wooden wall. The wall was movable, and it was pure hell.

I've been sold one time before, he literally raped me everyday, abused me, and didn't feed me. I don't like this place, I don't think anyone dose.

The men sat on chairs, in front of the wall and I didn't see a single woman. Just old men. Looking for a young woman to fuck. Most of them looked like to be in their 60s maybe 50s I don't really know.

"Next bid goes for green!" The man slammed on the desk with the hammer. I looked over at Emma, she looked so scared. She's been in the system for a while now. And she has been sold many times, but she says it's always just as scary.





1000 dollars is not a lot to be her and at this place, it's strange to see how the bids change. "Last bid for 1000?" No one said anything, the man who said it was smirking at Emma. His hair was brown and was probably the only one in his 30s.

"Sold." Just like that a human can be sold. Some guards came and untied Emma to give her to the man. The tall man stood up from his chair and they walked out of the building together. I'll probably never see her again. She was a good friend of mine.

As they walked out two tall men in a suit stood in the door. A tall woman walking in before them as they followed after. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and she wore a black suit just the the men behind her.

The sunglasses on her face made it difficult to see her eye color, but her hair was a beautiful brown color. Her fingers were full of small tattoos, and a piercing in her nose.

"Ahh Mrs Andlilet didn't think you would show up" the man that just sold my only friend said, she didn't bother to answer him and sat down on a chair in the font row. Immediately man spreading her legs, and resting her elbows on top of them.

The men stood behind her, watching like fucking Hawks. It seemed like this woman was important? She at least had to have some sort of fame since she needed bodyguards.

"Next bid goes for blue" fucking shit. I pulled on the ropes that were killing my hands. This one man was smirking at me so bad, like he knew I was coming home with him.

He looked to be about 50 years old, his body was full of wrinkles and his eyes were blue. He wore a fancy shirt and some sweatpants. Fucking sweatpants.

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