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I woke up by the car stopping, the girl had her head on top of mine while she slept herself. Both of her hands were wrapped tightly around me. The blanket was around me again, and it felt very warm.

I realized we had stopped at a traffic light, and the car soon began to drive again. The man beside us was on his phone with some earbuds. The man driving the car was humming to the song on the radio.

I didn't dear to move, not even an inch. I didn't want to wake her up. One time I woke up my last owner, he got so mad and started to punch me, he broke 2 of my ribs and raped me the same night. And all I did was going to the kitchen to eat since I hadn't eaten anything.

But she doesn't seem like him at all. But I'm afraid she might be. You never know how someone is until you've known them for a while. And I have barely spoken to her in these last few hours.

I don't know her name.

I don't know where we were going.

I don't know anything about her.

These people.

Why they are following her orders.

Why that man that sold me knew her name.

Why she drove such a long drive just to get me.

If it was me she even wanted.

There were so many questions coming to my brain. And I found myself asking why? Why did she do all this just to get me? To drive for so long, just to get me and drive back.

And also the fact that she didn't let me sit in my own car seat. I had barely lost physical contact with her, and that was when I changed, in and out of the car. Nothing more then that.

She was always holding me, or kissing me. Not that I'm complaining. I like it. I like the physical attraction, the affection, the small kisses, the way she cares about me.

Something about this girl made me feel safe, wanted, needed. But all this could be a trick. To get me to easier do what she says. I'm hers after all. I believe they signed the papers. So they will probably do everything they can just to get me to obey them.

Not them. Just her. They haven't treated me good. I don't even know who they are but I know I don't like them. If they're not the girl that's holding me I won't do shit.

Maybe her plan is working? To get me to do what she says without even having a second thought. Or maybe she is just kind. Caring. I really hope this place we're going to is worth it.

If not then I don't know what I'll do, but I know I can't do much. It felt weird to have so much human contact, I haven't had that since Zoe.

Zoe was also put in the system, same reason for her mom. But she was never sold, and they ended up giving her to the streets. No one ever saw her after that. And I hope she's okay.

"Should we take the long way or the short way?" I quickly closed my eyes so they wouldn't know I was awake. The driver saw that the girl was asleep so he turned to the man beside us.

"Why drive them there? As long as she's asleep it doesn't matter, drive into the woods" I couldn't see his reaction but I knew I needed to wake her up, but then what would she do to me?

Does that really matter now? I don't want to end up in the woods, you know what, fuck it. I started to move on her lap, moving my head from one shoulder to another, turning around to face the window and then to face the other window of the car, where the man sat.

I felt her head shifting on top of mine, trying to find it since I moved my head, her hands griping me tighter. I didn't stop moving, I didn't want to end up in the woods.

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