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"DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP WHY CANT YOU DO IT?" My eyes flew open, and I sat up. I was sitting in the bed and the girl was screaming on the other side of the door.

I laid back down, letting out a sigh. The light shinned in from the window, I wonder what she's talking about. "BECAUSE ITS YOUR TURN!" That was Nicholas I think his name was.

I don't know what they're taking about, but I know I probably shouldn't listen. But it is quite hard when they are screaming on the other side of the door.

I could still hear them argue, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. They cut each other off all the time. It was a little bit strange to sleep in the same bed as her.

She fell asleep before me, and stared to hold me tighter throughout the night. Not that I'm complaining, I love her cuddles. Which feels kind of weird.

I've never liked physical contact, but with her I do. She makes me feel some sort of way I haven't felt before. She feels like home. And considering the fact that I've known her for less then 24 hours feels weird. I don't know shit about her to, which I kinda finds exciting.

The door opened and I quickly closed my eyes, I didn't want her to know I was awake, who knows what she would have done if she knew I heard a little bit of what they were arguing about.

I felt her going on the bed, the covers was lifted and her arms went around my waist. She rested her head on my shoulder, I felt her hair tickling my neck. One of her hands went up my body, but stopped right before it could reach my boobs.

She gave my neck a sweet kiss, pulling me more into her. "My sweet little girl" she whispered into my neck and gave it one more kiss. It felt like my heart was gonna explode. My hands started to sweat, it became hard to breathe and my stomach filled with butterflies.

Something about her calling me her girl, oh god. Except that she's hot, she's also caring. At least as far as I know. I don't know how she'll be if I disobey her, maybe I'll find out one day.

I started to relax more and leaned more into her warm arms. She makes me feel some sort of way I can't describe. But I don't like her. I just like the way she makes me feel safe and wanted. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I leaned fully into her, she held me like a toddler holds a teddybear. Her breath was warm, and she started to relax more with me.


I'm sitting on a kitchen chair downstairs, and I found out that the door in our room leads to a bathroom. I'm sitting here with this Nicholas dude, eating some pizza. I have no idea where the girl is, she told me to stay here and eat and then he came here.

And he started to eat from my pizza.

I took a new slice, bitting on it gently, it was still warm and I could feel the cheese burning in the top of my mouth.

"So Billie" I still have no idea on where they got my name from, and this dude is so weird. He eats the crust first, then the rest of the pizza.

I turned my head to look at him, he had Pizza sause on his cheek. "What should we do today?" Em what? Why is he asking me that? I don't think I'll do shit with him. I don't want to ether. I'd rather die.

I shook my head and started to eat my pizza again. I don't want to talk to him. He just annoys me in every way possible. He stood up, he was pretty tall maybe 6'3?

He walked over to the fridge and took out some milk. He got the milk and pored it into a glass, drinking it. "I was wondering where you went" Nicholas raised an eyebrow and looked behind me.

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