Chapter 7

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(I'm aware that it took forever to finish this but it's here now and it's fucking LONG!! Also I hope Emily makes my POC readers feel loved because that's what they should feel reading my content or on my profile. Loved <3. You are loved <3.

Also I know that Hoops is about basketball but for some reason, it fits perfectly with this chapter. I can't express how shocked I was that this song fits so well with this chapter, it's not funny. Okay it is. :3 Play it at the "*'" point for the best reading experience.

My mental health may be fumbling but feeling loved shouldn't be so I hope this chapter makes you guys feel loved! We FINALLY get a group reunion [and a sex joke or two] here! I promise there's more tea to come as well. Enjoy!!)

Chapter 7

Smart People Problems

Two hours later...

Emily Stiles, a member of the Femmes, was busy with her latest project. "Okay...almost done..." The lass also known as the Owl Hero, Anda-Woman, grunted underneath the rugged truck. The group of women used it so often that the truck started to wear down, meaning Emily would be assigned to repair it. Now that she kept it in better condition than before, the African American got to do one of her favorite things, add upgrades.

Even though adding upgrades to an older truck still running on gasoline was harder than she thought it would be.

Emily maneuvered her feet so that she rolled out from under the car safely. "Nice job me!" The dark brown-haired owl hero cheered, still laying on the scooter board on her back. The African-American's intricate braids brushing the somewhat dusty floor. She let her arms relax and her wrists rested on the ground after all the renovating she accomplished.

Before Anda-Woman could celebrate anymore, an alarm wailed from above her. A distant odor of smoke wafted into her spacious workshop. The entrance to the Femmes' hideaway had been infiltrated, but something seemed off about this. Her melanin nose recognized this specific kind of smoke and it smelt familiar to her. Whoever was playing arsonist up there wasn't trying to pick a fight. At least, that's what she thought.

"You didn't have to do that!" A familiar voice huffed from above her. "Well, how am I supposed to remember the passcode!" A familiar arsonist's voice bled through the floor above. "I could've just put it in for you!" Emily rolled her eyes and took off her workshop goggles, leaving them on her long desk a few feet away from the car. The lass sneezed into her elbow before morphing into an owl to soar over the stairs. A stray speckled feather or two shed and fell onto the stairs as Emily grew closer to the intruders.

After stealthily landing on the sofa behind the two, Emily let out a boisterous squawk and smirked at the startled expressions on Dabi and Jaclyn's faces.
"I should've known you would use your quirk to meet us, rather than take all those steps yourself. Classic Em," Jaclyn giggled and commented to her companion. The owl morphed back into her human form, leaving a few feathers on the worn fabric of the couch.

"What can I say, I'm a firm believer in working smarter," Emily smirked and puffed out her petite owl wings from her back. "I didn't know your wings are smaller than the pair Keigo has." Dabi piped up. "My wings are more individualized. My quirk isn't fierce wings, dummy. It's called owl shift." The dark-skinned part-time technician corrected him. "But they're similar. Your wings are still, like, two-thirds the size of his wings." He continued making the comparison. "They aren't meant for making me fly as a human as much as they are for making smooth transformations into my owl form," Emily explained simply, putting her feet on the ottoman.

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