If I Could Only Trust Someone

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I made it outside the building. Then outside the premises. Now all I need to worry about is finding Tubbo. This will be like trying to find a needle in a pile of needles.

Or in a haystack... 

There I see a boy with brown hair styled the same way me beast friend had always done.he was wearing a hooded green plaid coat.

I tap on his shoulder and say, "Tubbo?"

He turns and looks at me, "The f*ck is Tubbo? You making fun of me b*ch?"

That's not Tubbo... "oh sorry I must have thought you were someone else."

"I think you need to learn a little bit of respect!" He says as I brace for the impact of a punch.

But it never came. I open my eyes to see a boy about my age. He was starting straight In-between us as he holds the Tubbo lookalike's hand.

He stared the man down and proceeds with, "Are you that dense?"

He cracks his had most likely braking it. And the man runs off.

The boy then looks at me as I analyze his appearance. He had longish pink hair and bright eyes one green and one yellow. As he turns I see the badly burnt right side of his face, the side with the yellow eye.

And I was guessing that his quirk was some type of hybrid. He had a small tail. Not to mention the goat ears and tail.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to thank me?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Madoria, but you can call me Tommy. Thank you for the help..."

"No way... Tommy!? It's me Tubbo!" 

I can't help but be taken aback by his statement. "Tubbs?"

"Well right now I'm actually sansu serko... but who cares?" He laughs the same laugh that I remember.

We stand there for a while enjoying the silence between us. Then I smile nod and start walking away.

Tubbo would fallow... please fallow...

I open my eyes and see him walking next to me. Then he smiles at me. Yup... this is Tubbo for certain...

Who I Really Am (Deku as TommyInnit)Where stories live. Discover now