The Taco Bell

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I lay the box containing my best friend next to my bed... and I kick it...

Then when I hear the small shriek I open the bow and grin saying, "Tubbox disperse!"

And a short, pink haired boy, comes tackling me to the ground. He shouts a loud whisper of, "⎎⎍☊☍ ⊬⍜⎍!"

Then we hear a knock at the door. We stop our light hearted rumble as I walk to open the door.

"Madoria! Just the guy I was looking for!" Says the pikachu standing in front of me.

"What do you need Kamanari?" I say exasperated trying to get rid of the 2nd loudest blond in my general location.

"So I was just going to get Kiri some more hair dye... and I was wondering if you wanted to come with? And I thought we could maybe do something fun afterwards." He asks.

I ponder the options that are held in front of me. If I stay in hear the next few moments with Tubbo will be very awkward. If I go with Kaminari I might be able to get some hair die for meself and maybe even some for Tubbo, like a gift. He'd like that...

"When are we going?" I ask as the electric blonde's face brightens like a thousand suns.

"Can we go right now?" He asks eagerly.

I hold up one finger to signal I need a moment.

I head over to my desk and pull out a small sticky note. I write the plan for hair dye on the sheet and stick it on the box that Tubbo had hid himself in yet again.

"Let's go!" I say excited for what is to come.


The walk to the hair care shop was relatively quiet and quick. But once we were inside Kaminari pulled out his phone and picked a color. It was called Luscious Rojo.... that's Spanish...

"Did you want anything?" The boy asks turning to face me.

"Actually I've been meaning to change my hair up a bit..." I begin to trail off picking up two dye boxes, Hazelnut Brown and Blond Bich... walking only a little bit further I pick up a box of bleach to use on my hair.

"Blonde? That might be a good look for you... but we should get you a straightener if you're going that route..." he says grabbing a red colored hair straightener.

I look at him enpuizedly and his eyes widen. "Oh! I help Kirishima with his hair sometimes, he tought me everything" he blabbed out in an almost rehearsed manor.

And when we walk up to the register he shushed me and paid for everything.

We walk out of the shop and he drags me to the craft store.

"So what's the plan?" I say as he turns and smiles at me.

"You'll see."

He then ran off and returned with a medium sized box and a small taco cardboard cut out.

Before I can say anything he yet again shushed me. Then he grabbed my hand and dragged me almost running back to the school.


once we get back to his room he explains the plan to me as my eyes widen.

"This is going to be so pog..." to this statement he looks at me in confusion.

It took about an hour to finally explain the words pog pogchamp and poggers aere the same word. That they were different variations of the same word being a term of excitement.

The we take another hour cutting off one side of the box that we had bought. Every time he tried to take over I had to explain that I was a big man and that I did not need his assistance.

And then we finally finished. We had taped the box over one of the school bells and attached the taco cut out over it.

As we admire our work Kami proceeds to say, "The Taco Bell is pog... "

To wich euphoria ensues...

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