Blond Again, Blond Again

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Tubbo had taken kindly to the brown hair die, telling me things I already knew. Like the fact that I am the biggest man alive, and that I should be king of the world! Of course I politely accepted the praise in the nicest way possible.

"I know Tubbo. Please continue groveling." I say as I wave my hand dismissively.

Tubbo stops and stares at me. "I think you should wash your hair out now big man." He than glares at me for my earlier remarks.

So I do just that.

<><<{line break brought to you by "My lack of motivation"}>><>

The room turned to look at me as I walked in. They must be admiring my hew hairstyle.

I sit in the seat and become Midoria again. And then I see it. Kachan had dyed his hair as well...

Fucking purple...

But it wasn't the hair that stuck out, it was the glowing particles around him and the fact that he had grown at least a foot taller.

What the fuck?

He turned to me from the book he was writing in as everyone else went back to business as usual.

That's when I saw it. One of his eyes was green...

We stared at each other for a good then seconds when his eyes widen with mine. "Tommy?" He asks quietly.

"Oh. My. Prime." A pause. "Ranboo... is that... is that you?"

He looked at me and his eyes grew even wider.

"Tom-" he was cut off by a door opening to reveal Tubbo being manhandled by a very angry Aizawa. 


Why is he blond now too?

He looked at me and Ranboo when I saw it. His hat.

"Tommy!?" He screeched.

"Dadza!?"Ranboob and I retorted.

That's when the window had broken once again.

It was the same villain that had come through to begin with. They pulled out a smoke bomb and through it to the ground while putting on a gas mask.

"It was fun. Watching you find each other... But time is up..."


No I had only just found them...

Why did they do this...

Why were they taking it away now...

I will get answers...

After, after a quick nap... 

At least I have know...

Is this...

Who I really am...

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