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"So," Blake starts at breakfast, eyeing him. "You haven't been sleeping in our room these past few nights."

It's a waste of breath and five fucking seconds to reply to him. Kol's mouth twitches instead as he sits down, eyes raising to find Bell's.

She's seated beside her dogs today and she's laughing, covering her mouth while she chews. Her hair is still damp from her shower and Kol feels the fucking dip in his belly staring at the gray turtleneck she's wearing to cover up his marks on her neck.

Grayson taps Blake's shoulder sympathetically. "Apparently, Arden Bell is prettier than you."

"How the fuck did asshole Kol get a relationship before me?" Blake hisses, glaring at him. "My status is still made dinner for two, ate both. Jesus."

Bell finally raises her head, feeling his eyes on her, and she gives him a smile before turning away, cheeks flushed.

Kol fights the fucking zoo of animals in his stomach all day thinking about her smile and fucking laugh and sexy eyes and her thighs, and the sounds she makes when he's kissing her and touching her, and God. Fucking amazing Bell. Fucking beautiful piece of ass she is.

But his mood gradually darkens every hour that she doesn't text him and he wants to demand what's more important than missing him because he fucking misses her already, god fucking damn it, and he just saw her this morning and didn't want to leave her bed.

A bed he rolled over multiple times in because of Jackfuck.

While Bell was in the shower last night, Kol texted Blaise because his brother is a fucking asshole. a dog was lying on her bed and i fucking hate it .

Blaise sent him numerous laughing emojis. GOD, you are JUST like yvo. roll over it, that's what he used to do ;)

Kol snickered before he realized that was a fucking good idea. He told Blaise, not a word to the asshole

say you love me and i wont tell him <3

FUCK YOURE SO ANNOYING, he said. love u.

AW i love you too u cute bean <3 MWA ENJOY

Kol slams his locker door after changing into his lacrosse uniform remembering that prick and seeing that his phone has zero messages. Still. He sneers. Bell said she's going to see him today and he's going to make her see him today after practice.

Swinging his stick, Kol steps out of the locker room and nearly smashes his head in when he sees the cheerleading squad in the field, opposite the lacrosse boundaries.

Kol stands there and stares at Bell in the air. Her legs. Hair tied up. Neck marked with red. Sweaty and flushed face. Jesus Christ, that's his, that's all his.

She's too focused on staying balanced to see him. Kol doesn't take his eyes away from her as he walks towards the bleachers, getting a good view of her ass and the back of her legs.


Kol lets his eyes stay on Bell for five more seconds, fuck the prick who's interrupting him, before he sees Jackfuck standing in front of him, eyebrows furrowed.

Kol's face is blank and relaxed, still swinging his stick.

"Leave Arden alone."

All he can hear is a dog barking. Kol stares at him, not understanding his language.

"She deserves better than an asshole like you."

Oh, the bitch is fucking noisy. Kol brings his finger to his ear and scratches it lazily, still eyes on him. This is a waste of fucking minutes he could've spent staring at Bell, Jesus Christ.

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