epilogue / kol

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"Are you busy?" Grayson asks.

"As a matter of fucking fact, yes I am." His ears are red.

Blake snickers, leaning over to look at his phone. "Kol won't give a shit if you go through his porn stash but he'll blush like a schoolgirl if you see him going through his 'Arden fucking smiling and shit' folder."

Kol throws a pillow in his face. "Shut the fuck up, I don't have that folder."

"See how he denies the folder but not the porn stash," Blake says. "A denial straight from a Sandejas—"

Kol throws a pillow in Grayson's face again when he cackles.

Six months into a goddamn relationship—he has the right to have that folder, okay?

He also has the right to get mad about this date because he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend and not with his annoying brother and his equally annoying fiancé, but does he have the right to bitch about it?

"No," Arden tells him in the car. "You were the one who wanted me to meet your family."

"At dinner," Kol grumbles. "Not a fucking double date!"

"I'm scared of Yvo, okay!" Arden argues, glaring at him, even pushing his hand off her thigh.

"You talk to Pax just fine!"

"Pax is in high school and he's cute! I can't talk to Yvo without Blaise!"

Ah, yes. Blaise and Arden have become the best fucking friends.

Kol grits his teeth and pushes his hand on her thigh again and grips it. He doesn't say anything else.

Even without looking at her, he knows his girl is grinning. "Well, what do you know. Blaise was right. I do have you by the balls."

Kol sneers at her. They should stop spending so much time together.

At the rink, Blaise and Arden hug each other like they haven't just seen each other two days ago when they went shopping and left Kol and Yvo fucking sulking.

"Tell your fucking girlfriend to stop stealing mine," Yvo told him.

"Tell your fucking fiancé to leave mine alone," Kol told him.

They're not engaged yet, but. Soon.

Blaise hugs him tight after Arden, tiptoeing to reach him and patting his butt. "Hello, Kol."


"Little brother," Yvo says, stepping forward with a blank face. His brother has a good one inch on him and Kol fucking hates it. "Arden."

"Hi Yvo," Arden squeaks with a hesitant wave, sticking herself next to Kol.

He puts his arm around her waist and narrows his eyes at his brother.

"Don't worry," Blaise says cheerfully with a wide smile, hooking her arm around Yvo. "He promised me to be on his best behavior today."

"So no murders?" Arden jokes.

Kol blinks, turning his head slowly to look at her. Yvo stares at her, too.

Arden clears her throat and Blaise laughs. "And that means no murders from Kol today as well. Come on, guys!"

The girls go ahead first, chatting and grinning with their arms hooked around each other's.

Yvo walks next to Kol behind them and says, "Fuck you for making me do this, you fucking simp. Fifty-six dates and this is one of them, Jesus Christ. You know how to fucking ice skate?"

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