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I can no longer hold myself. I am so drunk now, my first time drinking like this. I stumble down and settle myself uncomfortably  on the floor of my room. If my father had been here , he would have thrown me outside of my house . Oh Dad, I miss him too. Haven't been to home for so long, hopefully he must be fine. Why saying hopefully, I talked to him this morning only . The sound of my mobile phone ringing hits my ears. It's ringing like a way as if I don't pick it up, it would cut my throat.

"Oh Gosh, who's it now, don't you have any manners to call someone like Emm.....aaaaa now." I said to the person with whom I am talking now . " Hell, wh.....yyy , oh shit!" Here I fall again. " My back hurts, who are you, an Angel huh? Has Come to solve my problems? Are you a dumb or whatttttt, my ... I'm in so pain." "Do you know who am I ? I'm Emma Young, don't try to mess with me else I'll ......" I guess this must be the first time I feel so happy to threaten one , whose name I don't even know.

" Else what are you going to do Ms Young?" His voice kinda seem familiar.

 "Who are you huh, trying to scare  Emma ?" 

" You are exhausted Emma, there's no need to tell you why I have called you. Go and rest for now and if your pain continues, then  there's no need to come to office tomorrow." Wait did he mention office????!!!!! I know this voice, deeeeeeep voice , it's must be the one who scolded me in the morning. Scolded? Morning? It must be the one, it' Mr. Charles Knight .

 " Waittttttt don't end the call sir . It's me Emma sir. You must have heard my friend Caro.... no Christine's voice. She's drunk." I try my best to keep myself straight now. My boss has called me and I have been trying to scare him. How ironic isn't it , I am trying to threaten my boss and my boss' only calm voice ( till now) has threatened and scared the shit out of me.

" You better sleep now Emma . You're really drunk." Did he really called me Emma ? It's my first time hearing him calling me with my name. 

" But sir...." My words are cut by him.

 " Go to bed. I'm  not requesting you this time but ordering you now." I can no longer keep myself straight now, this drunken state has brought out all the unwanted things which I really wanna tell my boss. I can't even think about it's consequences and the words has slipped out of my mouth.

 " WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER ME NOW AT NIGHT? I'M YOUR PA AT OFFICE ONLY NOT AT HOME . HOW DARE YOU TO CALL ME NOW ? YOU DON'T REALLY THINK ABOUT ME BECAUSE IF YOU DID, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE SHOUTED AT ME LIKE THAT AND YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF MY DRUNKEN STATE. YOU ARE A .... A BAD GUY." Wait, what did I say , oh no, I'm done for. I guess that he will immediately throw me out of his firm. Even the worst might happen, he can make my life a living hell . He can send me to jail, drive me away from the country or make me lonelier than I am already.

" Enough of your nonsense Ms Young. Come to office tomorrow and I'll decide what to do with you. I was simply planning to give you a leave tomorrow but YOU yourself ruined that chance. I'm so disappointed in you. This is what you think about me. " I  have crossed my line this time and he'll no longer forgive me.

 " Sir..." The line went off. God really have I awoken his beast ? What'll happen tomorrow , I don't know. Why does he have to call me now? He has called me for the FIRST TIME and I have messed it up. How can I even sleep now? He scares me the most in the world, especially his cold glaring. I again get up from the floor and walk to my bed like a proud marching soldier . God I'm prepared to see his worst self. Saying that to myself I stumble myself on the bed and fell asleep the fast.



It's 8:30 now and its the time supposedly for me to settle down myself in my cabin at the office and start working. What to do now, besides my head hurts badly! Today he is going to throw me out of his firm. I don't know what's gonna happen. He hates people being late .I take an quick shower and dress myself with a suit which I bought last week. I can't even have my breakfast now. Oh no it's 9 now . I have to rush. I quickly book a cab . It has to be today only . The traffic is so long that it's so difficult to see it's end. It's stretching like a sea, a sea of cars . 

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