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" I haven't seen you in a while honey but why are you crying ?" My dad is here and I can't cry my heart out to me.


" Dad you are here. Haven't seen you for so long. Where were you?" Saying such I hug my dad and engulf myself in his warmth. It feels so good to be surrounded by the arms which have been with us since birth. I miss my mom too but I don't know whether she misses us or not. She must be living a luxurious life, luxurious in the sense that she doesn't have to look after me anymore, doesn't have to live in Beaufort and most importantly she is with Mr. Robins, the man who could afford her such luxuries.

 My mom isn't bad , she just wanted to pursue her dreams but she couldn't do that in Beaufort so she went with Mr. Robins to Washington. Dad told me that she's a professor in a college and that she married Mr. Robins after living with him for 2 years. I know it was hard for my dad to accept their divorce but still he accepted it with a smile and wished her luck for her future. I have seen her last when I was in my final grade at school. No, I have seen her twice more. Once when she came to give a special lecture to us in our college and another time when I met her at the mall on the Christmas Eve. She was surprised to see me with Trevor  but  thankfully he was there with me for preventing me from reacting to see her with Mr. Robin. I miss Trevor too, so many moments have been created with him and how can I forget all my 'Firsts' with him. 

" What's wrong with you Emma? Tell me." His voice clearly  shows how worried is he now. How can I tell him all the problems? In addition to that , what Mr. Charles claims me  to be is so full of disgust that I can't even tell him.

"Dad you should rest for a while first. You travelled such a long distance to come to New York. Freshen up fast. Meanwhile, I'm preparing our lunch." Wiping my tears I said to him.

" Your wish Miss Young then. Anyways prepare something edible okay? Can't forget the  food which you prepared for me specially ." He is always prepare to tease me. " Oh dad. You should forget that . Now go and change." Saying that I go to the kitchen to cook our lunch. By the time I finish cooking, he whines like a child for about 10 times. Who would call him an old man if he whines like a child? Well, he is still that handsome young dad to me.

" Now say what's wrong with you?" He asks me while settling himself comfortably on the chair. " Can we finish the food first?" I ask him because if I start telling him what's wrong with me, then he would not even take a bite of his food. " I know you well Emma , now you are saying that you will tell me everything after lunch and after lunch you'll ask me to take a nap , promising me that you'll say after I wake up. This ain't happening this time." He says firmly but my pleading looks change his decision. 

" Fine then , you always win." Saying that he starts to  eat. A sigh escapes from me and I also begin eating. This is the most silent lunch that I have ever had with my dad. I ask him about his health, his business , about our neighbours in Beaufort . He nods most of the time to reply me. As soon as the lunch is over, I take our dishes into the sink and wash them.

I see my dad sitting on the couch in the living room. I approach him and take a seat next to me. 

" Now say what's wrong? What problems are you facing these  days? Your dad will solve them all." His words make me smile a bit. I really wish that he would be able to solve my problems. " Dad my life has been turned upside down again." I can no longer hide my tears. My tears will affect him because he never wants to see me cry.

 " What's wrong dear? Speak !" He has become so worried by hearing that my life has been turned upside down. God knows what will happen after I disclose to him all the events that took place in a short time.

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