☼Sun Rises☼

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"ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀɪsᴏɴᴇʀs ᴏғ ғᴀᴛᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴍɪɴᴅs."
-ғʀᴀɴᴋʟɪɴ Rᴏᴏsᴇᴠᴇʟᴛ

     I sat there. In nothing but pitch black, no one there but me. It was cold in my room. My parents were fast asleep, so the house was silent. My door was closed, the only sound was my quiet sobs. The funny part is, I couldn't tell you why I was sobbing. The tears streamed down my face, salty and cold as they dried. My knees were pulled to my chest, and my face was buried in them. I was alone in my room, just how I like it. Or that's at least what I'd say. I longed for someone. Anyone, secretly though. I was happy to most, because no one would look into my deep brown eyes.

To me, days go by like months, but I feel as though time moves so quickly at the same time. I cannot remember what I do during the day. It must not be very eventful though.

I often wonder why my life is the way it is. Why is my life so perfect? And why can't I appreciate it? I have friends, sometimes at least. And I get perfect grades! Usually. My family is fine, I mean, we don't have any problems. I get what I ask for, one could say I'm spoiled. But I don't want any of it. I don't actually want any of it.

My parents don't understand. So I hide.

I stopped myself before I thought badly of them, because they still provide me with what I need. So I busied myself with my book instead. This book was about a beautiful young girl named Jamie. She was in love with a boy her age that lived in the village, only, they had never met. She dreamed of-

I was stopped as I realized a small sliver of light had shown down onto my book. I put my string back down into the book and closed it silently. I walked up to the window, and pulled the curtains back to reveal the sun peaking out at my pale face. It looked so alone.

I thought about this often. I read a book one day, talking about the sun. The sun cared for the moon so much, he let her breathe every night. And with that, he knew he'd never see her again rightfully, at the same time. He loved her so much, he'd shine onto her every night, so that she was the center of attention. He let her have the beautiful stars, so that she wasn't alone. And so, the Mother Moon gifted the people too.

I smiled slightly at the thought of something caring so much for another thing. So I sat there. As the sun slowly started pooling into my bedroom, I read the sweet words of the pages that I sucked myself into. I turned each page, desperate for the next, until my alarm went off.

I dropped my book, and walked into my tiny bathroom. I leaned against the counter, taking in my reflection. I looked at the dark bags that hung under my eyes. I looked at my swollen lips from biting them out of habit. I looked at my puffy pink eyes, they were tired and empty. But nothing that I'm not used to. I looked at my high cheek bones, shaping my cheeks into a dark dip. My button nose was running, and I wiped it on my sleeve. My light brown hair was a mess, laying over my shoulders with it's perfectly straight part still intact.

I scoffed at my look and hopped in the shower. I loved taking nice hot showers, it felt nice. I enjoyed how the water would run down my body so peacefully. How the water would drip off of the ends of my hair quietly. Even how I would have to rub my hands through my hair, detangling as I went. I was so focused on going quickly that I hadn't noticed the  door creaking open. It wasn't until the door shut that I slowly peaked out of the curtain, just poking my head out. I kept the curtain over my body in case it was an actual person.

But when I looked out to see who it was, there wasn't an actual person there. Or... I didn't think it was a person. The silhouette of a man was sitting there. Against the door. You'd think it was a shadow, but it was completely bright in the bathroom. My eyes went wide, as I didn't know who, or what it was. I shrieked and shut the curtain.

When I opened up the curtain just a bit to see if the thing was still there, it was gone. I quickly grabbed my towel and threw it around me. I stormed out of my bathroom, looking around my bedroom for the person or- thing that had come into my bathroom and disappeared into thin air. (That was the conclusion I had made when I realized it never opened the door and left.)

I decided to brush it off, thinking it must not have been very important. Probably just a hallucination. Or maybe my older brother was trying to mess with me.

I got ready and headed out of my room, putting that mask on my face again. That mask of happiness. I hated it. But it was necessary. My grandmother once told me when I was younger, 'you never put your own weight on other people's shoulders.' I live by those words.

"Well hiya there posy!"

"Move, Josh." I said to my stupid older brother. He was your classic golden boy. He had perfect golden brown hair, and a smile that could light up a room. He was 6 foot senior and had honey brown eyes. His perfect build helped him too, as he was muscular, but still tall and lean.

"No, I don't think I will." He said, blocking the pantry. His voice was smooth, and had a tint of humor in its voice.

"Oh, did you sneak into my bathroom this morning when I was taking a shower?" I said, still annoyed by his behavior.

"No... why the hell would I do that? Did someone?" he asked, suddenly concerned and moving out of the way.

"No, no. Of course not. I just thought I had heard something." I said, dismissing the conversation.

"Okay, you know you can talk to me, right? I'm always here and-"

"Yeah. I know. Thanks Josh." I said in a clipped tone, and he went to sit down and eat. The thing was, I can't tell if he is there or not.

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