The Awakening 020817

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As the dust falls from a pen petrified by potential, the veil slowly lifts from an aging heart.

The mind has become this cold place consumed by desolation.

I feel like a stranger in a place that was once a sanctuary.

It does not really matter how warm it is outside, a house is not a home without love kindling the fire from within.

In the absence of light, a pandemic of darkness reigns.

I was afraid there was nothing left before a breath touched the dying embers that remained in the recesses of a forgotten heart.

And my heart did what hearts do: fan the flames of love.

It is time to rise!

Inspiration once more beckons and a world awaits ready to greet the dawn of a promising day.

The Heart Calls Out To The Mind & The Soul ListensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora