Forty Winks 260601

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I lay there waiting with a body and mind equally numbed by exhaustion

It slowly engulfs me, starting with closing vision and a fog which rapidly clouds my mind

My life it takes with it to a place untainted by the hands of man

Before I realize what has happened, I am intoxicated by a bliss so intense that I have no logical choice but to surrender to it

I am at peace and wish no harm even to those who have trespassed against my very being

All troubles are but less than obscured memories

I am in a place cognizance does not see

Moments after I regain my senses, all that was released is suppressed once more and my intoxicated bliss leaves me to claim its place as a mere passenger on the wings of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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