Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey, this is my first ever chapter and English isn't my first language so if you see any spelling mistakes or if you have any tips for me to write better, comment it under a particular chapter or sent me a  message. I hope you like the first chapter! Bye!

I'm walking from my work in the hospital to my apartment that I have been hiring for about two years now when I am suddenly grabbed from behind, my mouth is covered with a big hand right away. I can't see my attackers, but I can hear their laughter behind me while they push me to the nearest alley.

It is a late night in the middle of November, so everybody is either already sleeping or keeping themselves warm in their houses. There is no one that can save me and I realize that I can't overpower multiple men at once. Even if it had been a single man, I don't think I would've been able to overclass him. My limbs are tired just like my eyes, I can barely keep them open. This is because there was a child in the hospital with a nightmare, that needed to be calmed down. If one of the children has a nightmare, I don't leave until they are sleeping again.

"I said this one was going to be easy." "Yes, you were right, but what are we going to do with him." "Maybe we can drain him" "Don't you think it's more fun if we make him our blood bag." From the different voices, I can tell that there are at least three men. Listening to their conversation, I become more scared with every second that passes. I don't understand a thing of what they're saying, but I prefer not to find out. I just want to go home, where my bed will be waiting on me.

When they pushed me far enough in the alley so that any passers wouldn't see us even when they looked, the one that's holding me, turns me around. Unfortunately, I still can't see who the attackers are because it's too dark in the alleyway, but I can see their outlines. There are indeed three men, all very muscular and big.

One of them pushes me against de wall and whispers in my ear: "We are going to have a lot of fun with you." Then he bends down with his mouth against my neck. I feel a shiver going through my body while I can hear his friends laughing. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my neck, I automatically begin to yell only to realize that another man is still holding his hand on my mouth. I think back to their conversation when they said they would make me their blood bag, now I know what they meant.

I begin to hit my hands on the head of the one who, I suppose, is drinking my blood, I only hit him twice before he pushes my arms against the wall. I feel the rough bricks scrubbing against my hand, which is going to bruise badly. Although that won't matter if I'm dead.

I think about the fact that I will never see my family again. I am never going to see all the happy patients when I bring their food again. I will never accomplish my dream of owning a hospital, or any other dream.

Eventually, when the attacker seems content, he makes place for the man that was laughing at me. I can feel his breath on my neck when he says: "You smell good thus you must taste good too. You better not disappoint me." Just before he can put his teeth in my neck, he is pushed away from me by a different man.

The man who held his hand on my mouth releases his grip on me. I fall to the ground, my legs too weak to hold my body because of the loss of blood. I see plenty of black spots in my vision and I feel pain in my whole body because of the uneven ground underneath me. It feels like there are a thousand needles pricking in my neck. I can hear people yelling and I struggle to keep my eyes even a little bit open.

The last thing I hear is one of the new men kneeling and saying: "It's all going to be alright, just close your eyes." For some reason, I listen to the man's soft voice and close my tired eyes, I let myself be carried away in the blackness.

That night I dream of my job. I have been doing this job for almost three years and I love doing it. When I was young I had to do an operation on my lungs. I had to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks, the food was terrible. That was my first reason to do this job. From the beginning of my shift until noon I make the list of dishes for that day and the morning after.

The children can choose from different toppings on their sandwiches for breakfast and lunch. I gather all the kids in the meeting room, when everyone is there, I ask them to write on paper what they want to eat, but it can't be something they already ate that week. All the notepapers go in a big bowl and every day a kid must take one paper with their eyes closed. To avoid that there's a dish that anyone is allergic to, I wrote all the allergies on a board that hangs in front of the room. After that, I either look if the cooks are needing any help, or I go around to talk to some of the kids.

At this moment it's already one o'clock and I just finished my tour around the section to give everyone their food. I put my everyday clothes back on and go shopping in a toy store not so far from the hospital.

It's almost Christmas so like every year I buy a small gift for every kid that must stay during Christmas. The kids can make a list of what they want, I always choose the funniest thing out of them.

My way of working is totally different from others that did this job before me. The director didn't want to hire me at first because of the changes that I wanted to make, which would cost a lot of money, but I convinced her by saying that the kids would eat easier. The kids helped me too, I didn't need to tell them twice that if I worked there, they could choose their food.

I've grown so attached to seeing them every day. I am always so sad but happy at the same time if someone who's been in the hospital for a long time, leaves. Some kids I've known for two years, some just for a day, some are always happy, some are moody in the morning, but they all have a place in my heart. I would do anything for them not to be in the hospital.

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