Chapter 6

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TW: violence

The following days are normal, the most normal it can get when you are kidnapped and put in a house without electricity and in the middle of the forest. I wake, eat, read, eat, sleep, repeat. Sometimes I talk a bit with Niall, but only when he starts the conversation. I haven't been in any trouble, so I think my plan is working. I noticed Niall starts to trust me more and the others can never resist him. Thanks to that I know the way to the kitchen. They always blindfold me but I have counted the steps and turns to the kitchen. I also found out that the windows aren't made of normal glass so I am not going to be able to escape through them.

I am disturbed by Niall saying: "You have to stop zoning out, your food is going to burn."

I look up and indeed my pasta is about to be burned. I take it off the stove and wait a second for the water to drip out the cooking pot. I made spaghetti and like always my kidnappers don't want any of it, so I just drop the pasta in the saucepot.

While eating I remember something I wanted to say to Niall for the past week.

"Thank you."

Niall looks up at me immediately and frowns: "For what?"

"For everything. For saving me, for sheltering me, for giving me eatable food", I say. In the past week, I have realized it could have been way worse. I still want to escape, but I appreciate that they gave me a somewhat tolerable week.

"You shouldn't be thankful to us," says Niall with a sad undertone, "Well time to go upstairs."

I finish my dinner and tie the blindfold over my eyes. I walk upstairs, without help from Niall and walk into the right room blindly. Suddenly I hear a loud howling and Niall begins to panic.

"In your cage, don't make a sound and click the button if you hear foreign footsteps walking upstairs!" whisper-yells Niall.

I get in the cage quickly, the last thing I see is Niall running out of the room before I put the blanket over my cage. I swiftly hear the lock from the door turning and Niall running downstairs.

For the next hour or something, I hear nothing but my constant breathing. Then out of nowhere, I hear the lock brutally being broken. However, I didn't hear anyone ascending the stairs. I quickly push my fingers on the button as Niall said before he left in a hurry. I hear people yelling downstairs and fighting while a person calmly enters the room.

In a second they are beside my cage and before I can comprehend what happens, I am blinded by the light. While my eyes adjust, I am harshly taken out of the cage and put in a standing position. The moment my eyes finally adjust the man is already out of my eyesight. He is holding me with my back against his front with a knife-like thing next to my throat.

"Don't move or talk", he whispers with a tone that's daring me to disobey him.

Not long after that Niall and Zayn run into the room. The moment they see me, they stop running.

"Don't step another foot forward", the still unknown man says, while he presses the knife against my throat.

I look at Niall to get some confirmation that it's going to be okay but he only looks back with a scared and sad expression. I focus on the man behind me, maybe I can find his weakness. I realize he is holding my hands together with one hand.

"Why do you have an unregistered human boy in your house?"

Both men who are supposed to answer keep quiet. In response to that, the knife is pressed deeper into my throat. I gasp and that seems to bring Zayn out of his trance: "We found him."

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