Chapter 16

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"Ow, man, that was so close to a strike. Only one pin left standing!" Harry laughs loudly.

I laugh with him: "Go for a spare then."

I am so happy that Harry is happy again. After the conversation, the boys really worked hard to be able to go out like this. We are now bowling for Harry's birthday. It took a good two months to get here, but we did it together and it was a new bonding experience. Their ultimate goal was to be able to go out for New Year, but we all knew that that was too ambitious. Meanwhile, the bakery has improved and the boys work there themselves from time to time. I also moved in with them, I still have my apartment for babysitting. It would look sketchy if I suddenly started babysitting in the middle of the woods. There's also a shapeshifter that started working in the hospital where I work and I feel much safer now. I'm so happy and I'm excited about the future.

"Louis, it's your turn!" Niall yells to bring me out of the memories of the last two months.

I laugh and take a ball, I throw and I get a strike. I jump in the air and hug Niall out of pure happiness.

I got this day off from work, so after this competition, we are going to a restaurant in the area. Liam already made a reservation there for the most excluded table. Harry still isn't that comfortable with a lot of people near him.

As we leave the bowling building I hear Harry whispering to Liam: "Can't we just order takeaway and eat at home?"

I feel sad that he doesn't trust himself. For that reason, he also refuses to hug me or come too close to me.

"Hey, you did great in the bowling hall, I'm sure it's going to be fine. You should have more confidence in yourself", Liam reassures.

Harry starts whispering even quieter, so I have to focus hard to hear it: "I just don't want to disappoint Louis, he has high expectations and I'm afraid I won't reach them. He looked forward to this day for weeks, I don't want to ruin it for him because I'm a .... monster."

"You are not a monster, Harry. You must accept that you did things, you had no control over, that hurt him. Stop thinking about the past. You practiced twice as hard as us to resist those urges and you can. You have to know that you can resist them."

I smile a bit at Liam's speech because it was all true. Harry pushed himself farther than I ever would've hoped and I'm so proud of him. I think I will have a talk with him later.

We arrive at the restaurant. It's nothing too fancy, but it's decent. We get a booth at the far back behind a corner. Liam sits next to Zayn with their faces to the front of the restaurant and I sit next to Harry on the other side of the table. Niall sits at the head of the table.

Soon a waitress arrives to give us the menu. We quickly choose our order, so that we are left alone. We talk a bit about our jobs and our hobbies. Half an hour later our orders are ready. The waitress comes back and puts all the dishes on the table.

After we are done eating she comes back to take the dishes away and to give the bill. While Liam pays she starts some small talk with Zayn and Niall. I feel Harry stirring when she doesn't go away after Liam finishes paying. He starts bouncing his leg and I lay my hand on it to try to calm him down. He looks at me with panicked eyes and quickly shoves my hand away. Zayn and Niall noticed this interaction and tries stopping the small talk with the waitress, but she keeps on talking.

Harry keeps bouncing with his leg, and I don't know what to do. Obviously, he doesn't feel comfortable with me touching him but I don't know what else I can do.

I start whispering quietly so that the waitress doesn't hear but Harry does: "Harry, remember the first time you entered the city during the day? Remember when you worked in the bakery with customers? You resisted your instincts. I know you're able to hold back, you could do it then and you can do it now too."

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