Chapter 5

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Not trying to escape was the first and most important rule. I am screwed. I run to the bay window on which I slept and swiftly wrap myself in the blanket as if that would save me from whatever he's going to do to me. Niall is still in the strange room doing God knows what, but I am scared for my life.

"Relax, I am not going to hurt you," Niall says while walking out of the mystery room, "technically you didn't violate the rules."

I look at him confused, wasn't he aware of the fact I tried to escape?

Clearly, he saw my confusion because he explained: "Trying to escape is trying to leave this building, isn't it? You only tried to leave this room, it could've been for completely other reasons, like food."

"But I...", I started but was immediately interrupted by Niall.

"Can't you just accept that I won't tell Liam, I am trying to help you here!"


I look down and for a couple of minutes, the room is completely quiet.

"I am going to make you some breakfast, I will be back in ten minutes."

I nod, take everything, and get in the cage again. Luckily Niall doesn't put the blanket over it because it can get very hot underneath it. For ten minutes I am left with my thoughts and that's not really a good thing, because my thoughts can get really disturbing at times. At this moment my brain is making up a plan to escape.




Convince them to go outside


I think that's a pretty good plan, so first I need to behave and follow the rules. If that plan doesn't work I am going to do it the 'Tommo way' as my colleagues always say.

I smell Niall coming from miles away so I have times to push my plan aside and focus on my breakfast that is coming. I instantaneously know that the smell comes from eggs and bacon. I love eggs with bacon.

I also only now realize that I haven't eaten a decent meal since I came here. Niall comes inside after what feels like ages and I can't stop my belly from making weird noises.

"Looks like there is someone hungry, Liam made eggs with bacon for you, I hope you like that."

I nod while Niall unlocks my cage and gives me the plate with the delicious food. I go and sit on the bay window again. I eat everything that's on the plate very fast while Niall looks at me from his bed.

After breakfast, I decide to take a shower and change into some of Niall's clothes because I have been wearing my clothes for four days now.

I go to the closet to find some nice comfortable clothes and I take sweatpants with a tank top since I am only going to be inside the house. After that, I walk to the bathroom to take a warm shower and forget all my worries.

When I come back in the room Niall is still sitting on the bed, I wonder if he just stared at the bathroom door for twenty minutes. I sit back on the bay window, I take out the book that Niall gave me last night. I browse through the book and find all the star signs and how to spot them at night.

While I am looking at the different meanings, Niall begins talking: "Me, Liam and Zayn are going to a special meeting today. Harry is staying here with you because he's still too young to go. We are leaving in an hour, so Harry is going to bring you lunch and dinner. He will knock on the door when he's done with making your food, you are going to get in the cage and put the blanket over it. Then Harry is going to set your plate with food inside and he will knock again if he is back outside, understood?"

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