An Angel [II]

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"What happened?"

"Jang Wonyoung happened"

Kim Chaewon raises her perfectly sculpted eyebrows, eyeing Ahn Yujin whose face is resting, or rather planted, on the canteen table.

It isn't new for her to see her puppy-like friend being like this, usually the reason would be her failed tests, but this time it seemed different.

"Wonyoung? As far as I can remember you're the one who causes headache" she remarks as she sat in front of the tired puppy

"Not this time"

Chaewon nods as she eats her sandwich, still eyeing Yujin as the younger girl raises her head

"That Jang Wonyoung," Yujin takes a deep breath "— freaking wore a beret hat and spectacles to school" she furiously yet calmly said

Chaewon blinks.

Yujin glares.

Then suddenly, Chaewon's eyes widen in realization as her mouth formed an "o"

"How's your eardrum?"

"Tsk," Yujin crosses her arms as she frowns "Almost busted, who the hell ask the campus' princess to wear such things?" She releases another annoyed sigh and some grumbled words Chaewon didn't quite comprehend

"Maybe your cousin has a tiny crush now and she's trying to win her heart?" Chaewon suggests, smirking at the thought "Wonyoung's growing" she says as she sighs dreamingly

"She have always grown, unnie"

Chaewon chuckles as she bit into her sandwich once again, drinking some of her banana milk as well.

"But I don't think she really need those to woo whoever she likes, though" Yujin says, glancing outside where she saw the said cousin reading under a tree, capturing everyone's attention, including someone who was busy eating his burger but it seems he's to enraptured with Wonyoung's beauty that he can't seem to take even one bite.

Their canteen has large windows that can make you see the not so mini park in front by the way, what did you expect at a private college

"Do you even have any idea who she likes, unnie?" She asks as she eyed her still smirking unnie— now that she have a proper look at her unnie, Hitomi's right, she do look like a cub whenever she smirks

"Who do you think announced, or rather— mentioned, that a beret hat and spectacles makes someone cute"

It's now Yujin's turn to blink. And for Chaewon to glare.

"Nako-chan? But Wonyoung wasn't their yesterday. I mean that was photography clubs' meeting wasn't it?"

"Why do you think I'm called Assertive Cupid?"

The younger only made a disbelieving face.

"As far as I remember you know that your cousin have been pining over Nako ever since they met at that amusement park" Chaewon remarks, eyebrows raising "I even remember you teasing her about it"

"I knew she have a crush on her, but I never knew she's that whipped"

"She's your cousin what did you expect" Chaewon replies, not missing a beat "Not to mention she's Chaeyeon's Junior" she shrugs as she eyes how Yujin scowled at her first statement.

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