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          • conclusion is defined by some books to
            be a reasoned statement, something that
            someone had stated after a thorough
            thinking. It can also be defined as the end
            or result of something. Although people
            thinks of the conclusion as the most
            important and crucial part of something,
            sometimes, the part as to why they reach
            this conclusion can be critical as well—

“As an example... is when you fall in love.” Nako mumbles, writing the sentence with her pen as she do so.

Beside her were books, towering over her head who's hanging low to write at the paper in front of her.

Raising her head after writing, she sighs. “This is most likely the most realistic nightmare I've had.” she says, frowning.

“It's not a nightmare, though, it's actual reality.”

An unseen voice suddenly says. An oh-so familiar voice. And it made Nako pout. “You're my guardian, right? Aren't you supposed to be helping with this?”

“I'm your spirit guardian to be exact, and I have been living for a thousand years, what made you think I'd be aware of what knowledge's this current society have been teaching you?”  the voice says back, and although unseen physically, Nako can imagine the said guardian shrug.

“I don't know, probably the fact that you've been reading modern books from this current society.” Nako mocks, exhaling once again.

“Even if I do, it's not like I will.”

“Aren't you a useless guardian, then?”

A loud sigh is heard, and then all of a sudden, a girl appears in front of Nako, wearing an oversized hoodie (very modern, Nako thinks) and a black short, her arms crossed and face painted with exasperation. “I'm your guardian, not your tutor, you pygmy.” 

“No difference at all.” Nako says, smiling innocent though innocent she is not. “Wait— did you raid our fridge again?” her forehead creased, smile disappearing as she watch the girl in front of her shrug again.

“I might be a spirit, but I still need food to survive.” she reasons, munching on her bread. “And besides, it's been long since the last time I took this physical form, it's hard being a cat.”

“Excuse me? but you're the one who decided to just stay in that temple of yours, you don't even visit me that often.” Nako complains, forgetting her homework. “And Hitomi, it's your choice to be  a cat, not mine.”

Hitomi shrugged, sitting in Nako's bed as she continue to eat her bread. “I only took 3 breads if that's what you're worried about, and besides, you're homework seems to be your forte anyway.” in a split second, Hitomi's eyes glint in a teasing manner “Falling in love, I meant.”

Nako decides she like Hitomi more if she's on their temple back in their province in Japan.

“Shut up, I beg.” she says, returning to her forgotten homework.

Hitomi mimed to zip her lips.

           •When you fall in love, you don't just think
            of the fact that you're in love, you also
            tend to think why you fell in love, and    
            that's where the magic starts, the way
            you realize how much you starts to like
            how she laughs, the way you find your
            gaze landing on her every now and then,
            the way you starts to wonder, “why?”

Hitomi snicker, and Nako groans.

           •why do you laugh when she does, why do
            you wonder where she is whenever you
            don't see her, why does it seem like your
            incomplete whenever she's gone, why do
            you feel jealous when she's with

“Why did you begged Hyewon where you can find the most delicious cookie because you heard her craving for it?” Hitomi sing songs, turning to a dust so suddenly after Nako throw a book towards her. She appears in Nako's old couch after a few minutes with a new bread in her hands.

“Would you stop taking food from our fridge!”

“Worry not, I took this from Hyewon's.”

With a sigh, Nako returns to her homework again. Mumbling she's dead if Hyewon find out one bread is missing from her stash.

           •and why do you feel like your the happiest
            when you're together. Once you realized
            all the answer with these questions, you'd
            wonder "how?" next. How did you fall in
            love? How did you reach the conclusion   
            that you fell in love? Before you knew it,
            you just fall deeper. You fall deeper with
            her smile, with her laugh, with everything
            about her—


Hitomi laughed, not even bothering to finished whatever Nako has to say seemingly already knowing what it is.

“So you realized that you're literally already writing an essay about how you fell in love with her and not about conclusion anymore?”

“You know yet you didn't tell me?” Nako released a miserable groan, not so gently resting her head to her desk.

“I was kind of planning to let you finished then I'll try to give it to Wonyoung for proof-reading.” Hitomi says just as she took a last bite with her bread. “Or maybe I should've just wrote from:Nako and to:Wonyoung on top then give it to her?”

“You're such an annoying guardian.”

“I'd consider that as a compliment.”

“It isn't.”

“I know, that's why I'm considering.”

And Nako's groan ended the whole conversation.

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