One (Tyler)

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Hi, my name is Tyler Martin, I'm 15, I live in the wonderful Las Vegas Nevada USA, and I'm a go-kart racer. My dream is to race Formula One for Aston Martin but that's a huge dream to fulfill, and with an amazing girlfriend as well as family here in the states i almost don't want to fulfill it. My girlfriend Sara, I'd say she's my biggest support with all this. God shes the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. Long brown hair, deep blue eyes, tan skin, freckles, and a couple piercings. She had her nose, belly button, and a hell of a lot of ear piercings. My parents didn't approve of her when we first got together but they came around and now they love her as their own. My mom Linda is a different lady. She knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. But she hates that fact that her little boy does such 'dangerous things'. My father Rick on the other hand, he loves what I do. He's always been very supportive and it's nice. That's enough about me. Here's my story. My Road To F1.
"Tyler get up time to get ready" my dad said walking into my room. It was 5:00pm so now I had to get ready for a race.

I got up then got all my stuff and threw it in the trailer with my kart. It takes me literally ten minutes to get ready. I grabbed my bag, got my protein drink, and walked out to the truck. "Are we picking up Sara?" My dad asked. "Yes" i said with a smile. He just nodded and smirked. He knew I was head over heels for this girl. I texted Sarah telling her we were on our way and she said okay. She wasn't a very bubbly person. She is very good with people but she's not a people person.

We pulled up to her house and there she was. In all her glory looking like a whole ass goddess. "Hey babe, hey mister Martin" she said hopping into the truck. "Hey baby" i replied. "Hey kiddo" my dad said and we left to the track.

We made it to the track and we all jumped out. I walked over to Sara and hugged her from behind. "Awwww look it's the cute race track couple" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw one of the kids that I race. "Hey Joey" i said with a smile. "Long time no see Ty" he said. "Miss Sara" he said with a smile. She gave a small smile and went back to her phone. Told ya not a people person. "Alright we'll we better get our asses going over there. Gear up son." My dad said. "See you on the track Ty." Joey said and i nodded.

"Son of a bitch." I shouted. Long story short on my tenth lap my front left axle snapped. "Tyler you need to calm down okay? Shit happens it's racing. I understand you're very upset but you did the best you could and that's all that matters. You're a great driver. You lead all ten laps. Just breathe please" Sara said. "Sorry baby." I said. I know I shouldn't get this mad over something out of my control but I was just annoyed. "Don't be sorry." She said with a smile. "Let's load Ty. We got a lot of work to do tomorrow night after school." My dad said. I nodded and we loaded up everything.

"Would you guys like to come in for a bit?" Sara asked getting out of the truck at her house. "Yea sure why not." My dad said with a shrug. He turned the truck off and we got out. We all walked inside and Sara shouted for her mom. "Hey guys how did it go?" Lauren asked. "Not so good. Front left axle snapped on the tenth lap." I said. "Oh I'm sorry honey. Well you always got next time and as long as you try your best there's nothing to be upset over." She said with a smile. I nodded and gave her a warm smile back.

After our small visit with the Miranda's we finally got home, and lord have mercy on our souls with the wrath of my mother. "So you're just gonna keep spending money on this damn car when it's one day gonna get him killed?" My mother questioned. "Yes i am Linda. Get over it." My father shot back at her. I shook my head and walked up to my room. I threw my bag down and flopped onto my bed. My phone started ringing and it was Sara. Her and I always call at night.

"Ty you know I love you and I want you to do good in this, I know you don't exactly want to leave if the chance happens but I want you to. I want you to do it." Sara said. "Yes but babe if that happens that means I'm going to Europe and we are gonna end up splitting because of time difference and the distance." I said back. "I understand but I want you to have your dream come true okay." She said. "Okay." I said sighing. God if this really does happen for me it's gonna be one hell of a ride.

Road To F1: The Rise and The FallWhere stories live. Discover now