Six (Tyler)

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"I thought I was dreaming when I looked around and saw the pretty girl in the purple dress." I said and she blushed a little. Fuck I missed her. We talk for a little bit before I had to run off with the guys. I said bye to Sara and ran off but now before I heard he whisper something under her breath. "Bye Ty." I heard it so faintly, but I heard it. I don't know what I was thinking bringing her down here. She's got a whole man now. Fuck me.

"Tyler that was an amazing race today against all odds you finished in the top five, how do you feel?"

"Honestly I'm super grateful and I couldn't ask for a better team. They've done everything they can for me to get me comfortable in my car and super proud of myself and them."

"Well thank you Tyler. We look forward to see what else you have to offer."

I smiled and walked away. I thank the beautiful girl in the purple dress standing there my entire lap. That's who I really thank. But I can't say that now can I? God I missed those blue eyes. Stop it Tyler. You have racing to focus on.

"Welcome to the Mexican Grand Prix." George said. "Swag." I said nonchalantly. "Who was the lady that security brought down in Austin?" He asked. "Ex girlfriend." I said. "Let me guess, little boy got his big dream fulfilled and had to leave the girl he loved?" He questioned. I just stared and him and nodded. "Race like she's here." He said and walked away. I smiled. I could see her in that purple dress that hugged her body just right.

"Coming across the like who's going to take second, Martin, Verstappen two and three."

"Yes baby! Whoo! Hell yeah!" I cheered coming across the line.  "Good job rookie. You're not so bad after all." George said through the head set. "Thanks jack ass." I said laughing.

"Second place from the United States for Williams Racing, Tyler Martin." I stepped up onto the podium. "Good race man." Max said and shook my hand. "You too." I said with a smile. Lewis got on the podium and we took our photo. Maybe all I needed was a little bit of motivation from a very specific lady. She's all I can think about. In more ways than just being a supportive girlfriend. That's for sure.

"Are you ready for the weekend?" Daniel asked me. Daniel drives for McLaren even though in my opinion he did a hell of a lot better in a RedBull car. "No dude. Hey let me ask you something." I said as I stopped walking. "What up mate?" I laughed a little at the "mate" part. Aussies. "You ever loved someone?" I asked. "You mean other than my mum?" He asked. "Yes you cheeky fuck." I said laughing. He laughed and then straightened himself out. "Yeah I was in love once. Had to leave her behind for the lifestyle. Why do you ask?"

"I saw my girl I had to leave for the lifestyle in Austin. Her new boyfriend bought her tickets. I had security bring her down to the pit box for me."

"Bro don't tell me you guys fucked? Come on man you don't fuck an ex."

"Dude no. We didn't fuck. We didn't even hug. We talked and now she's all I think about."

"It goes away with time I promise. Come on, we are going to get you laid tonight my guy." He said pulling out his phone to call a few others. Mother fucker.

The lights were bright and the music was loud. Clubs in Brazil are something else and let me tell you. I've never been around this many beautiful women in my life. I had my eyes set on a girl who was dancing seemingly by herself. I hadn't seen anyone go dance with her for at least twenty minutes so I decided to make my way towards her. I walked behind her and placed my hands on her hips moving with her body to the music. She turned to look at me and she smiled. I smiled and she pushed her body closer to mine. "você fala meu idioma ou apenas inglês?" She spoke. God her voice was even beautiful. "English." I said. "Ahh American, tell me what is an American cutie like you doing here alone?" She asked. "Formula One." I said. "Bad boy huh?" She asked with a smirk. "Just my type." She said pulling me into her.

I woke up with a pounding head. Fuck me why did I drink that much? I sat up and felt a body next to me in bed. I looked over and saw the girl from last night. Lorena is her name. She was stunning. Black hair with dark skin and green eyes. Her voice was like velvet and her body was an added bonus. I had no intentions of kicking her out so I got up to take a shower. I stepped in and soaked under the water. It feels good to have a woman around. Especially someone as beautiful as her.

I walked out of the bathroom with the towel hung around my waist. I saw Lorena was up and looking for her clothes. "Here." I said pulling out a t-shirt and a pair of sweats tossing them to her. "Thank you." She said. I nodded grabbing clothes for myself and walked back into the bathroom. I threw on a pair of black jeans, a grew tank top and my rings. I brushed out my hair and kinda just let it do whatever it wanted to. My hair was at the length to where it could do whatever do whatever it wanted and it would look good. I tapped on the bathroom door and asked Lorena if she was okay if I came out and I heard a yes. I opened the door and she looked damn good in my clothes. "Are you busy today?" I asked. "Not at all. Why?" She asked me. "Would you like to spend your day with a semi decent race car driver?" I asked her with a smirk and she nodded.

Road To F1: The Rise and The FallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ