Three (Sara)

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It's been one month since I watched Tyler walk into that airport. I haven't heard anything from him, but I'm not exactly surprised. He just moved to a whole new country and I'm sure knowing him went right into training. His first race will be in Sakhir Bahrain in mid-March. That's one month away now. God, I hope he's going to be ready.

"Sara the race is on!" Mr. Martin shouted. I decided to go over to the Martins to watch his first race with them. "The rookie from Las Vegas Nevada USA racing for BWT-Arden Tyler Martin." The guy on the television said and we all cheered.

Well, they are ten laps in, and he isn't doing too hot. He keeps getting thrown around like a sack of potatoes honestly. I'm surprised he hasn't tried some dumb shit move by now though. He must have something up his sleeve.

"Holy shit!" Mr. Martin yelled as Ty made another pass. He went from eighth to second in the matter of one lap. "Yes, Ty go go go!" I yelled. He was right up on first places ass. There's only a little bit left of the race and he's so close to winning his first race. "Come on Ty come on." I mumbled. "And the rookie he's made the pass. Tyler Martin is now leading this race." Said the voice through the television speaker. "Yes Ty! Hold onto it!" I yelled. We were all jumping up and down at this point. Oh my god he's going to fucking win. "With one lap to go can he hold onto his lead?"

"Coming down the final straight it's going to be Tyler Martin. The rookie has won his first ever F2 series race." The announcer said. "Yes!" We all screamed at the top of our lungs. I was beyond proud of this boy.

We are mid-August now. Let's catch up with my life a little bit first. I got into Med-School, I've been waking up way to fucking early on most Sundays to watch Ty, I keep in contact with his parents even thought I don't see them anymore due to moving to Texas for school, and I made a friend. His name is Edward Cane. He's also a Med student. But enough of that. Let's get on with Ty. He's been doing amazing and let me just show you what I mean.

Sakhir, Bahrain: Won
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Won
Imola, Italy: Won
Barcelona, Spain: Won
Monte Carlo, Monaco: DNF (crash)
Baku, Azerbaijan: Won
Silverstone, Great Britain: Second
Spielberg, Austria: Won
Budapest, Hungary: Second

So yeah, let's just say Ty is living the high life at the moment. He also had his birthday yesterday. I tried calling but he didn't answer so I sent him a text and that worked. He apologized and said he couldn't pick up because he was at the gym. I understood and we texted for a little till I went to sleep. The nine-hour time difference really put me on my ass most nights. It would be waking up time for him when I was getting ready to go to bed. Crazy how the world works like that. It can be a whole different day somewhere else yet you're just getting ready to sleep for the next day.

Leaving Tyler was one of the hardest things I've done. It hurt me to no end, and I know it hurt him. It's been months and I can say I'm pretty much over it. Yes, it hurts still when I think about it but it's not something I'm going to sit and dwell on the rest of my life. He's part of the past for a reason but I'm also not going to leave him in my past. He's always going to have a place in my heart, I just can't sit around and hope he's going to come back like nothing ever happened. He's doing good and that's all can ask for honestly.

"Hey Sara, how are you doing on this very fine morning?" Edward asked. "I'm alive, that's all I can ask for." I said with a half assed smile. Today was just one of those days where I wished I didn't fall in love with Tyler Martin. He was the one boy who was my everything after my father left but hey, all the good things must come to an end right? "Well, you don't sound so happy about that one miss Miranda." He pointed out. "Just one of those days." I said with a shrug. "Well how about this, my friends are all going out tonight and I've decided to stay back and study. So would you like to join me in studying for this pain in the ass test?" He asked me. I stood and pondered for a little bit about it and honestly it wasn't a bad idea. Better than being alone in my dorm since my roommate is never there. "Sure, why the hell not." I said with a smile.

"Okay I don't know the fucking answer to this shit." I grumbled. Why did I decide to go to fucking nursing school? "Calm down crazy, what don't you understand? Why don't you know the answer?" Edward asked. I then went on a ten-minute rant about how I didn't understand the work and how much I hated this class. He laughed and said he would help me out. Many hours of studying later we finally got food. "Chinese takeout seems to be a collage stereotype that actually isn't bull shit." I spoke. "I mean... you've got a point." He said laughing. I smiled a sweet smile at him. He's an attractive man, blonde hair, brown eyes, tall, fit. But I'm just not so sure I can get with him. He doesn't seem like the dating type though. Who knows maybe he will be my next Tyler Martin, except without the heart wrenching ending. "I love you." I said softly. "And I love you." She replied. "Is this it?" I asked her. "We both know it's only going to get harder the closer it gets. I'm sorry. But this is it. I want you to fulfill your dreams."

"Well miss Miranda, I'd say you are looking absolutely marvelous in that dress." Edward spoke with a soft smile. "Thank you, kind sir, you don't look so bad yourself." I said with a smile. Yes, I finally agreed to go out on a date with Edward, after him bugging and bugging for about two weeks. He wanted to take me out to this new little diner in the middle of town. Nothing to fancy just sweet and simple. Just like the place that Tyler took me to back home. No! No. No. No thinking of Tyler. He is my past. UGH! Goddamnit. You have a beautiful man right in front of you Sara stop thinking about your damn ex.

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