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"Sara is my ex girlfriend from the states." I said. I wasn't going to lie to her. "Okay. Well she texted you." She said. "What does it say?" I asked walking into the kitchen of the hotel. Yes the room is that big. "I saw you won in Brazil. Amazing job. Also hot girl. I might just steal her from you." She read from my phone walking into the kitchen. I laughed. "Very Sara." I said. "What happened?" Lorena asked. "I live life in the fast lane. She's a Med student in Texas." I said turning to face her. "I'm sorry." She said. "Don't be. Because then I never would have met you." I said smiling down at her. I placed my hands on either side of her face and kissed her softly.

"Alright Ty. Just like in Brazil. Clean and fast." Marcus said. "Copy." I replied and took off from the pit box. The track was different but I liked it. The areas some people seemed to struggle on i was getting through decently well. "You're sitting third Ty you know how to run the rest of this. Go!" I heard in my head set and I finally let loose. Normally I wouldn't listen to Marcus and go balls to wall the entire time but this car has the set up built for the last half.

"Pole Position...Tyler Martin."

"Fuck yea!"

"Good job kid."

"Good job baby." Lorena said walking up to me. "Pole position and didn't lose a lap." I said smirking. "Hmm my American boy." She said kissing me. Oh this woman is doing things to me.

"We're going to a club tonight." I said walking into the bed room. Lorena still laying there covered by the duvet on the bed. "Pick something for me." She said with a smile. I smirked and walked over to her bag. I pulled out a tight white dress with a slit up the right leg. I pulled out a pair of sliver heals as well and handed them both to her. "Not bad for a man." She said. "I have a sense of style sweetheart." I said grabbing her hips to pull her into a kiss. "Mmm as much as i would love to stay here with you all night we really need to go out with everyone." I said holding her face between my hands softly. She nodded and got up walking into the bathroom with the sheets wrapped around her.

"Hey dude amazing job today." Lewis said. "Thank you man. I'm beyond stoked to have even been near you. Beating you was something I never even thought possible. Thanks for not hating me for it." I said. "Hey man it just means I'm doing something wrong. It ain't your fault." He said slapping me on the back. "Who's this little thang?" He asked gesturing to Lorena. "Lorena Araujo." She said sticking her hand out for him to shake. "Lewis Hamilton." He said shaking her hand. "Nice one bro." He mouthed looking at me. I laughed and we said our goodbyes for the time being. May i also add everything has to be shouted over this music so our voices will be gone tomorrow. "Tyler." Someone said tapping my arm. I turned and saw Seb. "Hey what's up?" I asked. "I wanted to congratulate you on your win. You're going places kid." He said smiling. "Thank you Seb. That means the world coming from you." I said. "My pleasure. Who is this beautiful lady?" He asked. Damn she's the topic of the night as much as my win. Fine by me. No shame. "Lorena Araujo." She said sticking her hand out to shaking for him as well. "Sebastian Vettel." He said shaking her hand. "If he gets out of hand let me know. I'll put him into some gravel for you." He said laughing. I laughed with him and so did Lorena. "She's not her." Shut up brain.

Dancing with Lorena and a whole hell of a lot of alcohol in my system was something else. Her body fit to mine perfectly. Everything was perfect about her.

"Welcome to America." I said as we left the air port. The season was over so that meant I was able to go back home for a little while. Lorena wanted to come with me to see the states and i obviously had no objections to that. From what I understand Sara is coming back here as well for the holidays. This will be interesting.

"It's lovely to meet you Lorena." My mother said smiling. "You as well Mrs. Martin." Lorena responded. "Honey Sara is coming over tomorrow if that's okay with you two?" My mom asked. I looked at Lorena and she nodded. "Yeah sure." I said. We walked up to my room and i flopped onto my bed Lorena following my actions. "Your mom is nice." She said. "She has her moments of niceness." I said. "Where's your father?" She asked. "At work." I said. She nodded and moved up to lay on my chest.

"Tyler I'm home." I heard from downstairs. "Come on honey let's go see my dad." I said waking up Lorena. She nodded sleepily and got up. We walked down the stairs then into the kitchen where my dad was. "Hey son." He said coming over to give me a hug. "Dad, this is Lorena, my girlfriend." I said gesturing to her. "Lorena nice to meet you. You can call me Rick." He said shaking her hand.

"Alright kids let's eat." My said handing a plate to me and Lorena. "What is this?" She asked me pointing at the casserole on the counter. "I'm not sure but it's good. Try some and if you don't like it you can give it to me and get something else okay?" I said. She nodded and put some on her plate as well as a piece of chicken and a bit of salad. We walked over and sat at the table with my parents. "Shall we say grace?" My mother asked and we all nodded but Lorena looked a little confused. "Just put your head down and close your eyes." I whispered and she nodded taking my hand in hers seeing that I had my hand linked with my mothers.

"Goodnight amor." I said. "Goodnight Americano." She whispered with a smile on her face. I chuckled and tucked her head under my chin while holding her close to me. I have to see Sara tomorrow.

Road To F1: The Rise and The FallWhere stories live. Discover now