The Mold You Expected

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After i ran away, i was already old enough to find a job so technically i seperated from them rather than "i ran" I found myself working an 8 hour shift that pays enough for me to get by on a daily basis

"what a day~well see you tomorrow dean!"

My co-worker dean as far as i know hes been there for me ever since, specially when i already decided to leave my mom, he is the reason i was able to pull through each day, he encouraged me to work, and he stood by me, since then im beyond grateful for him being a part of my life, from the start and still,
Hes average for his height, but damn he cooks so well haha I think thats the reason i befriended him and its a winwin coz i like to eat, and from the start i was always his first and last customer, he always likes to wear tight and fit clothes, his skin is light as snow and over all a good looking guy.,

" see you bun! Miss you already > o <

" another hefty day, well see you tomorrow, dean! "

Fortunately i have saved enough money to rent a studio type apartment for my own thats just conviniently a couple of blocks away from my work i guess my streak of bad luck have finally chose to met its end.

" sure is a gloomy day" as i sigh with relief i can finally take some time for my self, i sat down to listen to some music, i find it soothing, just laying underneath the stars

I didnt realize i had already fallen asleep for a couple of minutes there were still people with me thankfully its a safe neighborhood so anyone is able to sleep when they want,

there i go and went home after.

checking the dating apps on my phone have become somewhat of a vice now instead of a hobby, i think maybe because my upbringing wasnt presented with love it was supposed to, yes i was fortunate to be with a wealthy family, but it isnt all about that when literally we hate each other, the apps, thats just by now a joke, for nights on end i just waste my time here, haha but i really dont mind maybe one day my peak of luck will occur let a bitch live ok?

I even went as far to write a song about me being a lonely amoeba ^_^

" i want to be a priority waiting til the sunrise hoping for a surprise, crying since the other day wasted on a false faith, looked up at the sky seen all of it rise~"

i couldnt really sleep, maybe because prior before i already have, to clear my mind I like to sit under a tree thats just by the lake, and often just listen to music so basically i went back to where i was,

As i watch the sky stare back at me
A figure suddenly sat beside me,


"uh- hello, how are you?"

"hehe ive been fine you?"


"good for you, thats great actually haha wow"

"its not, not a big deal"

As i let out a giggle, i suddenly had someone to be with in the midst of a night sky, it felt nice,

"isnt it a chilly night, the moon sure is something huh?"

I stared back at him knowingly i have been obsessed about the moon and ive somehow made it a virtue to my life...

"Like the moon Breaks apart
yet manages to still be full"

I stared at him unknowingly he was already faced in front of me, i was set aback and looked away swiftly and so did he...

"ive always thought this kind of scene only exists in books, only it doesnt really"

"nowadays in some places. It would be creepy and one is convinced they have a stalker haha"

"yeah i hope people do this often, you know? Clean intention and just enjoying nature, the earth, just us, being in the moment. BE BORED dammit haha"

"what a pity, many are just too consumed and a whole mess, but yes sometimes it nice to relax, really be present."

"i think this is the part where you ask me what is my hobbies, my favorite songs and all that"

*falsely shocked*
"how did you know? Thats so hard to think of haha-*

As we both giggle to the idea, i looked at him i took a deep breath of relief signifying that im happy being with him as i uncross my leg from the other, and layed as if i it was my bed and like no one was watching He then said,

"well, i would honestly like to know that haha"

"ofcourse haha, well oh shit, by the way my name is chie"

Ive decided to change Christian to just chie coz i really didnt like the past of that name

"so my hobbies huh? Well this for instance, i like admiring the environment and im obsessed with astrology, how about you"

"oh im actually almost finished with the degree im taking hehe so im kind of busy. This is like fhe first time i get to relax and breath and get out hehe , why not do that with someone aint it?, well if i were to finish my works, i would the continue to writing my book and just be expressive as much as i can really"

"oh how productive of you ~°~ how i wish i could do the same haha"

"oh also my bad, im xhane, haha well it was nice to meet you, see you when we do?"

" oh already?"
"i can stay long-"
" nono its fine, its getting late also"
"take care as you are!"

We then went home. I went home.

Do i continue the story leading up how we met from there?

Xhiane and i hitted it off, he was the person i never thought i would have, i loved him as he did me, our relationship gradually and firmly grew deeper within our souls, he chose me every single day. He wanted his life to be spent only wkth and by me, when I was full of dread and sorrows he wiped my worries in times of doubts, he held onto me even when nobody chose to be around, he made me whole, like a mold that's never been broke. To the point that i felt like i was finally then found. Eventually we got married, and had kids of our own, this is how it should have been. This is how it should have felt. This is my moment. This is my story.

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