Chapter 1

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The sun was already touching his soft, pale skin when he opened his eyes.

He could be sleeping for hours, days, maybe even a month. He had lost count of how much time had pasted since then.

A knock was heard on his locked door among with a plead.

His brothers and best friends behind luring him out. Or attempting to do so.

No food had entered his mouth. No water. Nothing. Even his tears had dried out. He swore to himself to die in there. He didn't want to step his foot out. Nothing mattered anymore. It was all his fault.

And he would have stayed and rooted in there while bugs ate his blue skin as he died, if it wasn't for a soft voice that was heard.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity he felt comforted by the voice he prayed to hear.

Soon, a click was heard from the other side. And he was out of the room that now smells like death.

In front of him there are seven people. He knows them all so well, yet he can't really recognize or place a name to their faces.

He could only pay attention to the eighth one, standing a few meters away at the hallway.

How could he not notice such a beauty. Relief washed him over. He was alive.
He was alive... He was there, he was okay, he was alive... he was there, with him.

With unsteady steps he ran towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug.

The others turned their heads to them.
Frowned eyebrows traiting the worry they had buried deep inside, while tears escaped from their eyes. Yet... as odd as it may sound, they somehow felt relieved, reality hit them hard and the flowing rivers of the salty substance, rolling down their cheeks came to a stop. They got to see the boy smiling after such a long time he had spent locked in his personal prison. And they wouldn't take it away from him.
Even if it meant to lie, even if it meant to pretend. They were happy for him, even if the one he was hugging, giving away all his energy, was hurting him beyond repair.

"Oh Mark... How I missed you... you don't even know... you scared me so, so much Markie... please don't leave me ever again."

"Shh... I'm here now Hyuckie and I'm never gonna leave... not until we are done love... not until death..."


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